SOVERON AR Software Defined Airborne Radio

Software defined airborne radio

SOVERON AR Software Defined Airborne Radio
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SOVERON AR Software Defined Airborne Radio
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SOVERON AR Software Defined Airborne Radio
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SOVERON AR Software Defined Airborne Radio
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SOVERON® AR Software Defined Airborne Radio, Front High SOVERON® AR Software Defined Airborne Radio, Side view SOVERON® AR Software Defined Airborne Radio, Back view SOVERON® AR Software Defined Airborne Radio, Front view

Key Facts

  • Frequency range from 30 MHz to 512 MHz
  • Control via MIL-STD-1553B data bus or RS-485 interface
  • Standard ARINC 600 housing, 3 MCU
  • SCA 2.2.2 compatible
  • Suitable for jet and propeller aircraft, helicopters and UAVs 

The best airborne radio is a given but true independence is a choice

Information superiority is vital to mission effectiveness and survivability. Key mission success factors are reliability, security, flexibility and system capability in deployed communications solutions. SOVERON provides secure and reliable mission communications networks for all branches and command and control levels of the armed forces. The SOVERON AR airborne radio is a part of the SOVERON software defined radio family.

Caractéristiques & avantages

For civil and military avionic standards

Since airspace worldwide is used largely for civil purposes, military aircraft must also meet civil standards for unrestricted passage through airspace. The R&S®AR5000 can be a primary ATC radio. It is the only software defined airborne radio on the market that also meets civil safety avionic standards, providing full independence for unrestricted joint civil-military operations.

Designed for ease of integration

An essential part of airborne radio development is the continual and intensive exchange of expertise with industrial partners to eliminate platform integration risk. Like no other radio, the R&S®AR5000 was designed for easy integration. The radio is qualified in line with MIL-STD-704F, MIL-STD-810F and MIL-STD-461F to minimize additional platform-specific qualifications.

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Assured command and Control (C2) superiority

Rohde & Schwarz offers state-of-the-art wideband waveforms for information superiority. Applications range from pure voice to high-speed tactical data for all airborne platform scenarios. The waveforms permit reliable and secure communications in a fast-moving, harsh environment. Fast frequency hopping, advanced encryption technologies, simultaneous voice and data transmission and embedded mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) capability are just a some of the superior technologies.

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Custom national data link solutions

Based on the internationally accepted SCA standard, the strict separation between radio platform and waveform applications allows procurement authorities to fully modify parts the radio in line with national requirements. Developing an indigenous national waveform, including a crypto algorithm, gives authorities true independence.

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Independent privately-owned manufacturer 

Founded over 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of military information and communications technology. Rohde & Schwarz can plan for the long term without succumbing to short-term thinking. The resulting entrepreneurial freedom allows us to focus our business processes on sustainability, from product planning and employee loyalty to a trusting partnership with customers.

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Available models

Available models
Frequency range
Transmission power
Form factor


Frequency range
30 ... 88 MHz + 108 ... 174 MHz + 225 ... 512 MHz
Transmission power
AM: ≥ 20 W, FM/MSK: ≥ 30 W, QAM: ≥ 40 W PEP 
Form factor

Available options

Remote control units

Remote control unit

The R&S®GB5000AR connects to the radio via the RS-485 interface. Illumination: white; display: red


Remote control unit

The R&S®GB5000AR connects to the radio via the RS-485 interface. Illumination: NVG (green A); display: green


Remote control unit

The R&S®GB5000AR connects to the radio via the RS-485 interface. Illumination: NVG (green B); display: green

Mechanical accessories

Mounting tray for AR5000


Cooling tray for AR5000



Mating connector set for AR5000


Service and maintenance tools

Maintenance connection box for AR5000



Software for monitoring and logging platform and waveform parameters for AR5000 radios



Software for monitoring and logging platform and waveform parameters for AR5000 radios

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