R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver

R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 Digital compact receiver
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R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, front view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, front view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, side view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, side view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, rear view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, rear view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, front view R&S®EM200 digital compact receiver, front view

Key Facts

  • Frequency range from 8 kHz to 8 GHz (up to 20 GHz with the R&S®CS-MC20)
  • High speed scan up to 64 GHz/s over the entire frequency range
  • 40 MHz real-time bandwidth
  • AoA based direction finding upgrade
  • Up to 40 MHz wide I/Q streaming with optional 10 Gbit interface

Spectrum monitoring and direction finding in a compact format

The R&S®EM200 is a cost-efficient receiver and direction finder in a compact format. It detects, analyzes and demodulates RF signals from 8 kHz to 8 GHz and can be extended up to 20 GHz with the R&S®CS-MC20 microwave converter. The receiver also supports direction finding with Rohde & Schwarz compact DF antennas from 20 MHz to 6 GHz. The small form factor allows easy integration and use in just a few steps. It comes with an easy-to-operate and ready-to-use graphical user interface.

Caractéristiques & avantages

Performance in a small format

Well-balanced design and RF performance

  • Extensive preselection consisting of tracking, bandpass, high pass, low pass and combination of filters
  • Multiple scan modes (memory scan and frequency scan) with fast scan speeds
  • Two independent digital paths for real-time spectrum and demodulation
  • High measurement bandwidths of up to 40 MHz that are ideal for measuring signal levels of modern digital signals
  • Easy to upgrade; wide range of applications (apps) extendable via software keycodes

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Versatile and scalable

Suitable as a standalone model or in distributed client/server network structures

  • Up to 40 MHz wide I/Q streaming with 10 Gbit interface as option
  • Compatible with a wide range of powerful Rohde & Schwarz software modules for advanced monitoring, signal analysis and geolocation to support users with automation in various fields
  • Well documented open interface description for remote control commands (SCPI/VITA49.0) to enable external system integrators to incorporate the receiver into third-party solutions

Remote control commands in line with SCPI
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Remote control commands in line with SCPI

Compact design

Space saving, low weight and low power consumption

  • ½ 19" width, one height unit
  • Standard rack adapters for single or double unit as options
  • Approx. 3.5 kg (7.7 lb)
  • Typically 18 W to 20 W, depending on installed options

R&S®EM200 mounted with 19-inch adapters for single or double unit installation
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R&S®EM200 mounted with 19-inch adapters for single or double unit installation

Varied applications

Designed for maximal flexibility for varied applications

It is compatible with a wide range of powerful Rohde & Schwarz system software modules such as R&S®RAMON and R&S®ARGUS software to support users in automation in various fields. The compact design makes it a practical tool for a variety of applications:

  • Spectrum monitoring
  • Spectrum measurements
  • As a handoff receiver
  • Wideband I/Q source
  • Interference hunting
  • TDOA
  • Direction finding (AoA)

Multiple R&S®EM200 receivers can be operated together with one or more Rohde & Schwarz receivers and direction finders
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Multiple R&S®EM200 receivers can be operated together with one or more Rohde & Schwarz receivers and direction finders

Ready-to-use virtual front panel control

Complete receiver functions

  • Ready to use for standalone operation with all receiver functions
  • Comprehensive visualization modes for signal measurement and evaluation
  • Reference and troubleshooting tool for integration into third-party applications
  • Can be operated on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet running a Windows operating system via LAN

Windows based R&S®EM200GUI virtual front panel control in desktop view
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Windows based R&S®EM200GUI virtual front panel control in desktop view

Available models

Available models


Numéro de commande 4108.3005.02

Digital compact receiver and direction finder  (frequency range from 8 kHz to 8 GHz and 40 MHz real-time bandwidth)

Available options

Hardware options

Numéro de commande 4108.5220.02


10G Ethernet interface

Wideband I/Q data streaming interface

Software options

Numéro de commande 4500.7070.02


Panorama scan

Fast spectrum/monitoring scan over the entire frequency range


Numéro de commande 4500.7040.02


Polychrome spectrum

Display of signal level occurence in a color-coded spectrum


Numéro de commande 4500.7211.02


Field strength measurement

Field strength measurements in line with ITU recommendations


Numéro de commande 4500.7340.02


Modulation measurement

Analog modulation measurements in line with ITU recommendations


Numéro de commande 4500.7311.02


Spectral measurement

Occupied bandwidth and channel power measurements in line with ITU recommendations  


Numéro de commande 4500.7111.02


Time domain measurement

Simultaneous frequency and time domain analysis


Numéro de commande 4500.7370.02


Direction finding upgrade

Direction finding for all signals within the real-time bandwidth


Numéro de commande 4500.7240.02


Trace recording and replay

Recording and replay of spectrum traces, measurement results and audio 


Numéro de commande 4500.7270.02


IQ snapshot record, replay & analysis

Record, replay, and analysis of IQ data up to 40 MHz from internal memory


Numéro de commande 4500.7140.02


Mapping and geotagging

Display of measurement results on a map


Numéro de commande 4500.7170.02


Timestamp accuracy

Accurate timestamps and external GNSS support

Direction finding antennas

Numéro de commande 4090.7005.07


Compact VHF/UHF DF antenna

20 MHz to 1.3 GHz; vertical polarization; for installation on a vehicle roof or tripod; active antenna elements

Numéro de commande 4096.0002.07


Compact UHF/SHF DF antenna

600 MHz to 6 GHz; vertical polarization; for installation on a vehicle roof or tripod; passive antenna elements

Numéro de commande 4096.0002.17


Compact passive UHF/SHF DF antenna

600 MHz to 6 GHz; vertical polarization; for installation on a vehicle roof or tripod; entirely passive from 600 MHz to 2.9 GHz

Numéro de commande 4098.2002.07


Collapsible VHF/UHF DF antenna

20 MHz to 690 MHz; vertical polarization; for installation on a tripod or portable mast; active antenna elements

Cable sets for DF antennas

Numéro de commande 4500.5060.00


DF adaptor cable set

suitable for R&S®ADD17XZ5 and ADD17XZ9


Numéro de commande 4500.5077.00


DF antenna cable set

usage: tripod, suitable for R&S®ADD107, ADD207, ADD207P, ADD307 and ADD317, length: 5 m


Numéro de commande 4500.5090.00


DF antenna cable set

usage: vehicle, suitable for R&S®ADD107, ADD207 and ADD207P, length: 5 m


Numéro de commande 4502.1633.00


DF antenna cable set

Usage: mast and tripod, suitable for R&S®ADD107, ADD207, ADD207P, ADD307 and ADD317, length: 5 m


Numéro de commande 4502.1640.00


DF antenna cable set

usage: mast and tripod, suitable for R&S®ADD107, ADD207, ADD207P, ADD307 and ADD317, length: 10 m


Numéro de commande 4502.1627.00


DF antenna cable set

usage: with magnet mount on vehicle, suitable for R&S®ADD107, ADD207 and ADD207P, length: 5 m

Vehicle adapter

Numéro de commande 1321.1340.02


Power supply for vehicles

Powers the instrument and the R&S®HA-Z303 external battery charger


Numéro de commande 4502.4503.02


Microwave converter 20 GHz for R&S®UMS400 and EM200

Outdoor microwave downconverter for the extension of the monitoring frequency range to 20 GHz


Numéro de commande 4500.7440.00


Active GNSS antenna

multi-band active GNSS antenna, supporting GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou

Power supply

Numéro de commande 1321.1340.02


Power supply for vehicles

Powers the instrument and the R&S®HA-Z303 external battery charger

Rack adapter

Numéro de commande 4502.1327.00


Rackmount adapter for R&S®EM200 with CS-MC20

2 HU mounting adapter for 19” racks


Numéro de commande 1175.3191.00


Rackmount adapter for two R&S®EM200 side-by-side

1 HU mounting adapter for 19” racks


Numéro de commande 1175.3204.00


Rackmount adapter for a single R&S®EM200

1 HU mounting adapter for 19” racks, comes with rack blind

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