R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals

5G NR device testing in a very small footprint

R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R Rack-mountable CATR chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS800R d, side view R&S®ATS800R d, front low R&S®ATS800R d, side view R&S®ATS800R d, front high R&S®ATS800R d, side view R&S®ATS800R d, front high

Key Facts

  • Very compact and portable CATR test chamber
  • High-precision state-of-the-art reflector with rolled edges
  • Unparalleled quiet zone size with a footprint of 0.7 m2
  • Extreme temperature testing from -40 °C to +85 °C
  • High shielding effectiveness for trouble-free NSA signaling testing

Flexibility without sacrificing functionality or quality

CATR based compact and portable anechoic chamber for mmWave 5G OTA testing  

The R&S®ATS800R CATR based 5G NR mmWave test chamber provides a very compact over the air (OTA) testing environment for testing 5G FR2 antennas, modules and devices in R&D. The R&S®ATS800R has a very small footprint and wide frequency range, and offers maximum functionality and test coverage in a small space. The flexible setup options and range of extensions make the R&S®ATS800R a solid and future-proof environment for your FR2 testing needs.

Caractéristiques & avantages

Mobile, compact and fully shielded

A flexible test environment

The compact, fully shielded R&S®ATS800R has a footprint of only 0.7 m2 and a 20 cm quiet zone. The R&S®ATS800R is mounted on wheels for easy transport and its very compact size allows it to fit through any door. It can be mounted on an optional rack or placed on a table or next to the bench, making it very flexible.

R&S®ATS800R mounted on rack
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R&S®ATS800R mounted on rack

State-of-the-art CATR reflector

Accurate IFF measurements with high-quality CATR reflector

The R&S®ATS800R has a bidirectional parabolic reflector to collimate beams from the feed antenna or DUT. The reflector is specially designed and manufactured by Rohde & Schwarz in Germany for unrivaled performance in small test chambers. The rolled edges of the reflector are modeled to minimize scattering and the surface is precisely polished, which is critical when operating at high frequencies.

3D positioner with optional RF rotary joints

Retrofittable 3D measurement capability

The compact 3D positioner allows precise movement of the DUT in two axes and can be easily mounted in an existing R&S®ATS800R in the field. The position can be controlled accurately with embedded encoders. Optional RF rotary joints enable passive antenna tests in 3D with the positioner.

Optional 3D Azimuth over Elevation Positioner with RF rotary joints
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Optional 3D Azimuth over Elevation Positioner with RF rotary joints

Enclosure for extreme temperature tests

Retrofittable temperature test capability

The temperature enclosure is RF transparent yet isolating, enabling the DUT to be heated or cooled between -40 °C and +85 °C, while still allowing uncompromising RF radiation measurements. It can easily be retrofitted to an existing R&S®ATS800R in the field.

Optional enclosure for extreme temperature testing
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Optional enclosure for extreme temperature testing

Check what is happening inside the chamber during testing

Camera option with additional smart features

Since the R&S®ATS800R remains fully sealed during testing, viewing the device or checking what is happening inside the chamber can be difficult. The camera option lets you monitor the DUT at all times. Heat dissipation is a potential issue for 5G mobile devices and the camera can easily switch to infrared to check the DUT heatmap during testing.

Thermal image of a DUT inside the R&S®ATS800R
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Thermal image of a DUT inside the R&S®ATS800R

Quick results

Fast and smooth measurement results

A one-stop solution combining the R&S®ATS800R with Rohde & Schwarz test systems ensures fast and smooth measurements in the lab and optimized determination of 5G device antenna performance and characteristics in the millimeterwave range.

Rohde & Schwarz test system
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Rohde & Schwarz test system

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