R&S®FSPN Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

Unrivaled sensitivity meets high speed

R&S®FSPN Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester
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R&S®FSPN Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester
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R&S®FSPN Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester
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R&S®FSPN Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester
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R&S®FSPN phase noise analyzer and VCO tester, front view R&S®FSPN phase noise analyzer and VCO tester, hero view R&S®FSPN phase noise analyzer and VCO tester, side view, VCO test R&S®FSPN phase noise analyzer and VCO tester, back view

Key facts

  • Pure phase noise analyzer and VCO tester with high measurement speed
  • Simultaneous measurement of phase noise and amplitude noise
  • Frequency range from 1 MHz to 50 GHz
  • Extremely low‑noise internal DC sources for automatic VCO characterization
  • Automatic SCPI recording and 100% compatible with R&S®FSWP

Increased efficiency and reproducibility, from lab to production

The R&S®FSPN phase noise analyzer and VCO tester is very sensitive with high measurement speeds for characterizing sources such as synthesizers, VCOs, OCXOs and DROs. It is ideal for demanding phase noise and VCO analysis in development and production . Equipped with two low phase noise synthesizers and a real-time cross correlation engine for increased measurement sensitivity, just a few correlations are needed to measure very high-quality oscillators, synthesizers or VCOs in production. Increase the number of correlations to characterize the most sensitive commercially available synthesizers and oscillators in R&D.

Features & benefits

Measurement speed taken to its limit

Speed up the development of your device

Signal sources can be developed and optimized faster with an instrument that delivers results with short measurement times. The R&S®FSPN takes just a few seconds to display the phase noise trace of high-end sources such as OCXOs or DROs.

Phase noise analysis on the R&S®FSPN
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Phase noise analysis on the R&S®FSPN

Phase noise measurements with high sensitivity

Real-time cross-correlation for improved phase noise sensitivity

The R&S®FSPN includes real-time cross-correlation to measure sources with very low phase noise. The sensitivity improvement depends on the number of cross correlations performed, as follows:

ΔL = 5 · log(n), where

  • ΔL: improvement in phase noise sensitivity in dB,
  • n: number of cross-correlations
The very low synthesizer phase noise in the R&S®FSPN reduces the number of necessary correlations, shortening the measurement time.

Simultaneous phase noise and amplitude noise
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Simultaneous phase noise and amplitude noise

The R&S®FSPN measures phase and amplitude noise in parallel and shows the current cross correlation sensitivity gain indicated by the gray area.

Fastest VCO characterization

Thanks to its extremely low-noise internal DC sources, the R&S®FSPN can measure the phase noise of voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO) at various tuning and supply voltages. Quíck VCO characterization varying tuning voltage or the supply voltage is possible. The following parameters are delivered instantaneously:

  • Frequency versus voltage
  • Sensitivity versus voltage
  • Output power versus voltage
  • Current drain versus voltage
  • Output power versus frequency

VCO characterization
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VCO characterization

Transient response analysis

Frequency and phase measurements in time domain

The R&S®FSPN has up to 8 GHz bandwidth for detailed synthesizer characterization, including measurements of settling times after frequency hops, ramps, switching times etc. The R&S®FSPN has narrowband analysis down to 40 MHz for narrowband characterization when analyzing transient PLL responses in detail.
The display has a persistence mode for all traces, making it easy to estimate the intensity of the parameter scatter or the presence of any outliers.

Transient analysis, settling time measurement
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Transient analysis, settling time measurement

SCPI recording

SCPI recording makes it easy to move from manual operation to automated test sequencing. Just operate the instrument and export the automatically created scripts in different languages such as Matlab®, Python or C# to replicate the manual measurements.

SCPI recorder on the R&S®FSPN
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SCPI recorder on the R&S®FSPN

Available models

Available models
Frequency range
Phase noise
Instrument type

R&S®FSPN8 Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

Order number 1322.8003.07

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1322.8003.07 is now copied to your clipboard.
Frequency range
1 MHz - 8 GHz
Phase noise
 < –163 dBc (1 Hz)
(f = 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Instrument type
Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

R&S®FSPN26 Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

Order number 1322.8003.25

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1322.8003.25 is now copied to your clipboard.
Frequency range
1 MHz - 26.5 GHz
Phase noise
< –163 dBc (1 Hz)
(f = 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Instrument type
Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

R&S®FSPN50 Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

Order number 1322.8003.49

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Order number 1322.8003.49 is now copied to your clipboard.
Frequency range
1 MHz - 50 GHz
Phase noise
 < –163 dBc (1 Hz)
(f = 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Instrument type
Phase noise analyzer and VCO tester

Related videos

The R&S®FSPN – unrivalled sensitivity meets high speed

Next generation technologies like radar and satellite communication with high data rates call for innovative testing solutions to develop and manufacture RF components. With the launch of the R&S®FSPN, Rohde & Schwarz is adding a new member to the phase noise analyzer portfolio, enabling increased efficiency and reproducibility of phase noise measurements and VCO characterization from lab to production. Watch the video and find out more!


More about phase noise measurements

White paper: Understanding phase noise measurement techniques

Learn more about how different instruments measure phase noise.

More information

White paper: Understanding phase noise fundamentals

This white paper provides a brief technical introduction to phase noise concepts as well as an overview of how phase noise is measured and reported.

More information

White paper: Understanding voltage controlled oscillators

Download this white paper and learn more about voltage controlled oscillators and measurements made during the VCO characterization process.

More information

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