Baseband signal generators

Baseband signal generator

Rohde & Schwarz baseband generator and function generator solutions

Find the right T&M solutions for applications requiring baseband signal generation. Our product portfolio includes the well-established baseband generator, supporting many wireless standards such as WCDMA, LTE, HSPA and WLAN802.11a/b/g/n/ac, using WinIQSIM2™. Our solutions selection also includes function generators.

Product List
Product Name
Frequency range
Output voltage
Total harmonic distortion
Arbitrary waveform resolution
Frequency range
10 μHz to 25 MHz (R&S®HMF2525)
10 μHz to 50 MHz (R&S®HMF2550)
Output voltage
5 mV - 10 V (Vpp) (into 50 Ω)
Total harmonic distortion
0.04 % typ. (f < 100 kHz)
Arbitrary waveform resolution
14 bit
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