R&S®5G Site Testing Solution

Simplify 5G network deployment and operations

R&S®5G Site Testing Solution
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R&S®5G Site Testing Solution
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R&S®5G site testing solution, 3D R&S®5G site testing solution, 3D

Key Facts

  • Automatic detection and demodulation of all cellular standards
  • Simultaneous technology-related and spectrum measurements
  • Voice, data and video testing (optional, smartphone based)
  • 5G NR signal demodulation down to –142 dBm (SCS 30 kHz)
  • Frequency coverage up to 53 GHz

5G NR site deployment – testing has never been so easy

Automatic detection, simultaneous multitechnology measurements

As soon as the operating bands are selected, the Rohde & Schwarz 5G site testing solution instantly detects the 5G and LTE signals on air and delivers detailed information about signal quality, power level, beam analysis, MIB and SIB content as well as spectrum and waterfall displays. 5G NR sites can be thoroughly tested. The 5G STS is an important tool for verifying NSA 5G sites by simultaneously measuring 5G and LTE. In combination with the QualiPoc Android, functional tests such as voice, data and video streaming make it possible to verify the service availability of the site.

Features & benefits

High sensitivity

Test instrument sensitivity determines the number of signals that can be correctly identified and demodulated. The Rohde & Schwarz 5G site testing solution can detect and analyze signals down to –142 dBm. No line of sight required. An omnidirectional antenna helps widen signal reception (relative to the limited reception angle for directional antennas).

High sensitivity
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High sensitivity

Automatic channel detection and demodulation

Faster setup and full overview of all networks

After simply selecting the frequency bands, the automatic channel detection feature will do the rest: it detects all active channels and provides an overview of technologies, center frequencies, channel numbers and network operators(*). No more channel settings needed. The last measured carrier power is also represented by an opaque spectrum signal in the background, offering a quick indication of power levels.

Automatic channel detection and demodulation
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Automatic channel detection and demodulation

Simultaneous multitechnology measurements

Increasing efficiency

In non-standalone 5G NR deployments, the 5G network settings are in LTE and being able perform parallel LTE and 5G measurements is helpful. The 5G site testing solution supports simultaneous measurements on all cellular technologies as well as spectrum and waterfall displays. Measurement displays can be easily customized on a tablet or smartphone for an instant overview of all required parameters..

Simultaneous multitechnology measurements
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Simultaneous multitechnology measurements

Rich 5G NR measurement set

5G SSB measurements help verify coverage and the beamforming effect. The 5G STS measures 5G NR synchronization signal blocks (SSB) and decodes the PBCH/MIB content of each detected SSB. Power, signal-to-noise and interference measurements for each PCI and SSB/beam index deliver a complete set of data to verify SSB/beam transmissions. All subcarrier spacings and transmission cases defined for sub6 and mmWave bands up to 30 GHz are supported.

Rich 5G NR measurement set
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Rich 5G NR measurement set

Functional tests

During the final stages of new deployments or maintenance routines, site service quality must be tested. The QualiPoc Android can conduct a customizable sequence of voice, data and video tests. Each cell sector and all carrier frequencies are tested with advanced forcing functions. The detailed results are displayed on a phone, letting technicians immediately optimize the site or trigger additional improvement actions.

Functional tests
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Functional tests

Portable and easy to use

The 5G site testing solution architecture makes it very easy to carry and operate. The OTA tester can remain inside the soft carrying bag, protecting it in all weather conditions, where it can be operated from a tablet or smartphone. The GUI is Android based and switching from one measurement to another is as easy as with an app.

 Portable and easy to use
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Portable and easy to use

Available models
5G STS tablet Description 5G site testing solution with tablet based GUI
Control device Tablet
Measurements OTA passive measurements
Components OTA site tester, tablet, RF omnidirectional antenna, GPS antenna, soft carrying bag, 220 V charger
5G STS QualiPoc Description 5G site testing solution with functional testing and smartphone based GUI
Control device Smartphone
Measurements OTA passive measurements and functional tests
Components OTA site tester, smartphone, RF omnidirectional antenna, GPS antenna, soft carrying bag, 220 V charger
Available options
R&S®STS-53DC mmWave (FR2) support up to 53 GHz
incl. omnidirectional mmWave antenna
R&S®STS-2G3G 2G and 3G technology support
R&S®STS NB-IoT NB-IoT technology support
R&S®STS FTU Functional testing upgrade, incl. smartphone

Competenza nel test dei siti

Webinar: Assicurare il successo dei test e l’accettazione dei siti 5G

Questo webinar on-demand presenta un caso di studio reale sulla prima rete 5G pervasiva in Europa per esaminare l’importanza dei test di accettazione del sito. Scoprite di più sulle tecniche di test KPI essenziali, utilizzando strumenti all’avanguardia e risultati di misura reali di file 5G..

Maggiori informazioni

Brochure applicativa: Test dei siti e risoluzione dei problemi nelle reti mobili 5G

Una delle fasi critiche nell’implementazione del 5G è il test in loco dello stazioni base gNodeB, per verificare l’ambiente radio ed eseguire i test end-to-end per il controllo dei servizi forniti agli utenti finali.

Questa brochure applicativa vi permette di identificare i vari scenari di dispiegamento e di utilizzare un'efficiente metodologia di test al fine di superare le sfide della verifica della corretta installazione di un sito 5G.

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Premio: 1 oscilloscopio digitale R&S®RTB2000

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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.