QualiPoc Android

The premium handheld troubleshooter

QualiPoc Android
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QualiPoc Android, Front view

Key Facts

  • Smartphone based RF optimization and service quality assessment
  • Rich set of service quality tests for voice, data and video
  • Intuitive user interface, including customizable workspaces
  • Advanced optimization features, including channel and cell locking
  • Support of IoT modules directly connected to QualiPoc USB port

Service quality optimization based on a smartphone

QualiPoc Android offers a wide range of service quality tests for

  • voice
  • data
  • video streaming
  • low latency
  • dedicated OTT apps (e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.)
on a smartphone.

The portable solution provides all fundamental information, including signaling trace and IP trace to analyze the radio interface and optimize the quality of experience in the mobile network.

Features & benefits

RF optimization and service quality assessment

All relevant information and data in your hand

QualiPoc Android collects all relevant data and information while measuring, including L3 signaling, IP trace and all test related KPIs.
QualiPoc Android provides fundamental information for further drilldown analysis and optimization of the mobile network.

L3 signaling, including real-time decoding
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L3 signaling, including real-time decoding

The QualiPoc signaling monitor shows all L3 messages and offers message decoding in real time. Multiple filters allow fine-tuning of the data on the monitor.

Evaluate voice quality across services

QualiPoc Android offers the full range of audio quality assessment tools for 3GPP and OTT app service tests (e.g. WhatsApp call) using the latest ITU-T standardized algorithms such as P.863 POLQA, PESQ and SQuad.  
Support of multiple audio voice quality tests such as mobile to land unit and mobile to mobile in both directions (UL/DL) completes the full feature set for audio quality measurements.

Audio quality measurements
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Audio quality measurements

QualiPoc uses ITU standards to evaluate audio quality. This allows direct comparison of 3GPP voice services and OTT apps (e.g. WhatsApp).

Check throughput

Test the network to see if it is capable of delivering the expected throughput

The numerous data tests offered on QualiPoc Android support all important protocols, are powerful tools for checking the best available throughput, and provide detailed insights.
When running the test for the same web page, the device accesses the page without resolving the URL name against the DNS by keeping the IP address in the cache. QualiPoc offers both options: keep the cached IP address or force a DNS lookup for every request.

HTTP browser test on QualiPoc
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HTTP browser test on QualiPoc

Test video streaming experience

QualiPoc Android is the tool of choice when it comes to smartphone based video quality measurements in the mobile network.
QualiPoc uses the hybrid non-reference objective perceptual video quality measurement algorithm ITU J.343.1.
J.343.1 is designed for multimedia IP-based video services.
QualiPoc supports video and live streaming tests on YouTube, DirecTVnow and Facebook Watch. On the latest Samsung flagship smartphones, QualiPoc even supports video quality measurements on 4K video streams on YouTube.

YouTube video streaming on QualiPoc
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YouTube video streaming on QualiPoc

QualiPoc supports both video streaming and live content streaming. The perfect tool for measuring the quality of major streaming services or Live TV apps.

Low latency measurements

5G NR is more than just higher data rates. The main advantage lies in the scalable network slices that can be tuned for extremely short latencies, especially for reliable connections and peak transport rates.
Considering that data throughput is not the only key parameter for new, interactive applications and real-time control services, the underlying key network parameters are:

  • Transport capacity (bit rate)
  • Transport latency
  • Transport continuity
In order to measure bit rate, latency and continuity at the same time, QualiPoc supports the new interactivity test.

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The client and server are connected via a mobile network and exchange a continuous stream of packets that are sent by the client and reflected by the server. The packets have an individual round trip latency or might get lost because the protocol used is UDP.

QoE on Facebook, WhatsApp...

Test the quality of experience on over-the-top (OTT) apps

Today, OTT apps play an important part in our everyday lives. Reason enough for mobile network operators to check how well they work on their network.  
QualiPoc supports a long list of the most popular apps and offers different actions for each app to replicate user behavior. E.g. ’send message’ or ’post a picture’ on Facebook; ’send message’ or ’call someone’ on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp send message test on QualiPoc
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WhatsApp send message test on QualiPoc

Advanced RF optimization

Lock to a specific channel or cell

QualiPoc Android offers advanced forcing feature to lock the device to a channel or cell. This feature is crucial for  RF optimization and site accpetance since it allows to measure the quality and performance of a specific cell.

Advanced forcing – cell locking
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Advanced forcing – cell locking

QualiPoc offers advanced forcing features on the device or at the test level.

Running a scanner in parallel

QualiPoc Android & the R&S®TSMAx scanner team up for network optimization

In parallel to active testing of the mobile network, QualiPoc also supports the operation of a mobile network scanner such as the R&S®TSMA6(B). A scanner is independent of SIM cards and networks. It can simultaneously detect all cells in all bands in multiple standard technologies.
The additional collected data by the scanner helps users identify problems that cannot be found with a smartphone alone.

ACD monitor in QualiPoc Android
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ACD monitor in QualiPoc Android

QualiPoc offers an easy and fast scan configuration directly on the smartphone. It shows the reported scan results on a dedicated scanner monitor.

Measuring NB-IoT

Check indoor coverage and service performance of an IoT module

Measuring coverage (e.g. in a basement) and checking the service performance of an NB-IoT module are crucial steps during site acceptance. QualiPoc offers an easy-to-use, lightweight solution. 
The NB-IoT module can be directly connected to the smartphone's USB port. QualiPoc controls the IoT module via AT commands, displays all traces and test results on its monitors and stores the data in a measurement file.
The perfect solution for IoT site acceptance.

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