R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway

R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
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R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
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R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
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R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway, Front view R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway, Hero view R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway, Front view

Key Facts

  • Modular customization with extension cards
  • E&M and E1 legacy interface support
  • SIP, R2S and RTP protocols VoIP conversion
  • Complementary to the R&S®GW5410 radio gateway
  • Ethernet and RS-232 connectivity

Brings legacy TDM and analog VCS to the IP world

The R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway matches a legacy TDM or analog VCS interface to a state-of-the-art IP based radio, bridging the gap between E&M and E1 protocols on the VCS side and SIP, R2S and RTP protocols on the radio side. Effectively converting between the two, this modular VCS gateway enables a new degree of flexibility to your network setup. A dependable network link for quality you can rely on.

Features & benefits

Protocol conversion

Adapt legacy VCS setups to modern IP network architectures

Sometimes existing infrastructure needs to be utilized. Sometimes backward compatibility needs to be retained. And other times there are application-specific reasons. Whatever your motivation, the R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway is a powerful tool you can rely on. The R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway converts E1 and E&M protocols from the VCS into SIP, R2S and RTP for VoIP in line with ED137B/C thus giving you a versatile network interfacing package.

A smooth transition
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A smooth transition

The R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway is indispensable when transitioning from legacy TDM architecture to state-of-the-art IP infrastructure.

Modular design

Versatility through configurability

Rohde & Schwarz have always been big believers in modular design, since it allows a particular solution to be tailored to customer needs. It keeps options open for future upgrades and helps improve availability in the unlikely event of failure, by requiring replacement of only the failed module. The R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway can be configured with a broad range of extension cards for both legacy or IP protocols.

A strong tandem

Rohde & Schwarz presents a line of complementary gateways

Just as the R&S®GW5410 radio gateway converts IP based VCS protocols for legacy radio systems, the R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway does the reverse, translating analog protocols from a legacy VCS to IP radio. The R&S®GW5420 telephony gateway can also integrate legacy or external phone networks. With all three gateways, you can integrate any device to any communications standard for unlimited customization and compatibility.

Versatile implementation
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Versatile implementation

The various ATC gateways combine to flexibly cover the broadest spectrum of application scenarios.

Centralized management

Consolidated and efficient network administration

IP technology has many advantages. Possibly the single most important one would be remote operation, as it facilitates centralized management within a network topology. In addition to providing a global overview of the entire system, the VCMS enables unmanned operation of remote radio sites. In this way, a single control site can effectively command several distant unmanned radio sites.

VCMS platform
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VCMS platform

A global consolidated overview of the entire ATC communications system enables centralized control over remote radio sites at distant geographic locations.

Available models

Available models


R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
4 E&M radio interfaces


R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
2 E1 radio interfaces


R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
2 E&M and RS232 interfaces


R&S®GW5450 VCS gateway
4 E&M and RS232 interfaces

Available options


Optional secondary embedded AC power supply for GW

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