R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner

R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner
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R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner
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R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner, 3D R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner, 3D

Key Facts

  • Low processing time for highest throughput
  • Open architecture
  • Easy-to-hold body posture with hands down

Product description

The R&S®QPS201 security scanner delivers high-precision and efficient security control while ensuring an unobtrusive and uncomplicated experience for scanned persons. It consists of a flat panel with thousands of transmitter antennas that emit extremely low-power millimeterwaves in very short succession and just as many receiver antennas. Persons being scanned stand squarely between the panels as if facing a mirror, holding their arms slightly away from their bodies.

Features & benefits

Detection characteristics

  • Detection of all types of potentially dangerous objects (metal, ceramic, plastic, liquid)
  • Outstanding body coverage; complete head, shoulder and leg illumination
  • High system resolution, bandwidth and dynamic range for high detection performance and minimum false alarms
  • Certified by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)

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Benefits for operating company

  • Low processing time for highest throughput
  • Flat with low weight and high positioning flexibility
  • No operational interruption for calibration
  • Escape routes through the lanes remain open
  • Low maintenance costs due to stable calibration and no moving parts
  • Easy service access since panels are installed on rails
  • Integration into local networks possible
  • Software updates to meet future requirements

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Benefits for operators

  • Simple touchscreen operation
  • Unobstructed view of arriving persons
  • Direct access to persons before scanning
  • No obstacles for wheelchair users

Example layout of a security checkpoint
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Example layout of a security checkpoint

Benefits for scanned persons

  • Open, transparent scanning environment; no booth
  • Easy-to-hold body posture; not necessary to raise arms
  • Extremely short scan time
  • Not necessary to change position

Peak mode

The R&S®QPS201 can operate in peak mode. For this purpose, up to four remote resolution stations are connected to the device. The scanner operator simply performs the scan and then sends the scanned person to one of the free remote resolution stations. Here, the scan result is displayed and cleared by another operator.

Assignment to a resolution station before the scan
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Assignment to a resolution station before the scan

Technical specifications

  • Frequency range: 70 GHz to 80 GHz
  • Multistatic operation with thousands of transmitter and receiver antennas per panel
  • Transmit power: approx. 1 mW
  • Data acquisition time: approx. 32 ms per panel
  • Fully electronic; no moving parts

Related information

Press Release:

The R&S QPS201 from Rohde & Schwarz is the newest people screening system to be certified by TSA as meeting detection requirements for aviation security checkpoint passenger screening.

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Fast, high-resolution screening

The R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanners are new, high-resolution security scanners designed specifically to make people screening at security checkpoints faster, more effective and comfortable.

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Safe, highresolution radio frequency security screening

The R&S®QPS product series provides highresolution security scanning and was specifically designed to promote faster, more effective and comfortable people screening at security checkpoints. 

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Security through technology

The R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanners are new, high-resolution security scanners designed specifically to make people screening at security checkpoints faster, more effective and comfortable.

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