R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control

Trusted end-to-end mission control communications solution 

R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control
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R&S®M4ACS voice system for military air traffic control R&S®M4ACS Voice system for military air traffic control R&S®M4ACS red/black voice system for military air traffic control R&S®M4ACS red/black voice system for military air traffic control R&S®VCS-red/black voice system for military air traffic control R&S®M4ACS red/black voice system for military air traffic control, front view

Key Facts

  • All communications networks on a single screen
  • Certified secure domain separation 
  • Full IP network technology
  • Field-proven
  • One-stop-shop for secure communications

The most innovative full IP based VCS on the market 

R&S®M4ACS takes full advantage of innovative IP resilience and strong security 

R&S®M4ACS clearly separates red/secure from black/non-secure domains. Operators can simultaneously access two security domains with the same audio accessories and clear audio routing principles. The two security domains are separated by a TEMPEST Level A, Common Criteria BSI-certified R&S®Trusted Audio Switch. Each security domain has independent core equipment to access specific legacy and IP interfaces with distinct demarcation equipment. The versatile R&S®M4ACS can accommodate  various installation scenarios including fixed, deployable and mobile systems.

Features & benefits

All communications networks on a single screen

R&S®M4ACS has an innovative graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI enables secure and convenient access to all communications, while displaying both separated security domains for full operational awareness.

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Certified secure domain separation

R&S®M4ACS has a redundant, secure and trusted architecture for both classified and unclassified domains. Each domain has the necessary number of strictly separated radios and telephone interfaces that are connected to controller working positions with an R&S®Trusted Audio Switch that meets the highest security standards and is certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in line with the Common Criteria.

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Full IP technology and secure crypto pooling

R&S®M4ACS is a future-proof, full IP communications system where new networks can be seamlessly and easily added or integrated. Fully VoIP for flexible integration into modern networks and an enhanced set of features. National encryption protocols help secure national sovereignty.  R&S®M4ACS allows crypto pooling for effective and secure allocation of radio resources.

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Field-proven solutions

R&S®M4ACS has not had a single point of failure, even with customers and operational systems around the world. The system supports current NATO requirements. Reliable, cost-optimized and easily expandable; customers enjoy the improved operational workflows and functions.

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One-stop-shop for secure communications

Rohde & Schwarz is a true one-stop-shop for the full lifecycle of secure communications systems, including the design, manufacture and integration of tailored systems for their entire lifecycles. All from a single source with perfectly matched components and full IP technology. Benefit from one contact and clear  responsibility for an entire secure communications system.

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Trusted partner

Rohde & Schwarz has innovative, tailored and forward-looking service packages for the design, integration and protection of high-end equipment. The company supports customers with expertise and advice through all project lifecycle phases – from system engineering to project implementation and aftersales service.

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Interoperability and standard compliance 

R&S®M4ACS supports the ED137 standard for safe and secure ATC voice communications. The R&S®Trusted Audio Switches have BSI security certification in line with the Common Criteria. The R&S®M4ACS seamlessly integrates with other available third-party devices, C2/battle management systems (BMS) or mission-critical management systems for a standardized and simplified exchange of information;

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Webinar: IP-based voice communication systems for military use - Teaser

Join our R&S®M4ACS on-demand webinar: IP-based voice communications system for military use

Register now and learn more about our new R&S®M4ACS secure communications solution for military air traffic control which automatically separates A/G and G/G communications traffic in a multi-level security environment.

The on-demand webinar introduces various application scenarios to demonstrate the power of the R&S®M4ACS solution.

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