
QoE insights into your mobile network performance

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SmartAnalytics, Front view

Key Facts

  • Analytics software that provides QoE use-case-driven insights
  • Intuitive web based for benchmarking, optimization and monitoring
  • Analyzes RAN data to improve end-user QoE and network performance
  • Highlights network performance issues and analyzes their causes
  • Transversal analysis from macro level down to cell sites

Powerful and intuitive QoE insights

Actionable benchmarking, optimization and monitoring intelligence from drive test data

For accurate network engineering, benchmarking, monitoring and optimization, it is necessary to process complex data and produce clear and easy-to-understand intelligence on a network to make better decisions. Correct decisions can only be made based on reliable and accurate data that is processed quickly and accurately.
SmartAnalytics provides a precise and clear assessment of the operator’s own network quality (QoE from end-user perspective) and competitive position in the market.
SmartAnalytics provides visibility of the principle factors influencing network performance and quality of experience (QoE), including the context, development trends, problems and possible degradation causes.

Features & benefits

Network Performance Score (NPS)

Unified metric that quantifies the network quality in a single number

The Network Performance Score integrates all relevant RAN factors that influence the end-user QoE to provide a unified metric that quantifies the network quality in a single number. It uses objective methodology to deliver a network-wide, vendor-independent assessment that enables comparison with other networks in the same market and globally. SmartAnalytics calculates the NPS for the whole network and can drill it down by use case, technology and other variables.

Drill down of NPS
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Drill down of NPS

5G NR Optimization and roll out

Get all the insights of the 5G NR networks

5G NR comes with a previously unseen level of configuration, this also creates a lot of challenges in the optimization and roll out of this new technology and also to coexist with older technologies.
SmartAnalytics can process and aggregate the measurement data in order to simplify the process and go down to the bold facts and recommendations in order to deploy a successful 5G NR network.

5G NR deployment is a challenge for operators.
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5G NR deployment is a challenge for operators.

Benchmarking, insights on competition

Get the hidden insights behind the measurements

SmartAnalytics provides an evaluation of the network QoE and a comparison with competitor networks. What is the best network in this area, in this service? Where I do not have coverage? Why are my competitors better in this specific service?
Its powerful architecture enables users to easily browse huge benchmarking data files in real time. It is also possible to easily adapt the interface to compare different networks and generate data insights on the fly.

Get from tech facts to insights
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Get from tech facts to insights

Optimization and lab testing

Go down to the bit level to understand network behavior

Why is the network behaving in this way? How can I get the most out of my network? What is preventing me from having a better NPS?
SmartAnalytics offers drilldown in order to identify specific areas for network optimization.
It goes to a detail that explains every parameter affecting the quality of experience perceived by end users. Does my network have coverage issues compared with other operators? Why are my competitors better in this specific service?

Powerful drill down to understand the root causes
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Powerful drill down to understand the root causes

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