Rohde & Schwarz webinars

Rohde & Schwarz webinars



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Language: EN
Trainer: Nils Posegga, Solution Manager MNT, Rohde & Schwarz
Ivan Tomasevic, Mobile Network Analyst, Rohde & Schwarz

Webinar: Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking - one year later

MNT Webinars

Webinar: Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking - one year later

A year ago we presented mobile network measurement results from a campaign in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area based on the harmonized ETSI method for network benchmarks - the foundation for a fair comparison (apples to apples). Are you interested in knowing how the results have changed in one year? Or which operator improved their results, how much and how it was accomplished? If you answered yes, you should not miss the webinar - secure your spot by registering today.

In this webinar, you will learn more about:

  • The comparable network benchmarking methodology
  • The impact of real-time interactive applications
  • Comparison of results with last year's campaign
  • Reasons and root causes