R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)

Monitoring elevated to a new level

R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS)
R&S® Aerial Monitoring System (AMS) R&S® AMS, on U25 drone R&S® AMS, on DJI 600 M R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS), Application Image R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS), Application Image R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS) R&S®Aerial Monitoring System (AMS), Side view


  • Aerial monitoring and interference hunting
  • Frequency range from 300 MHz to 40 GHz
  • Automatic and interactive measurement procedures
  • Independent of drone model and drone infrastructure
  • Evaluation and reporting in R&S®ARGUS

Go where few monitoring systems have gone before

The R&S®AMS aerial monitoring system is a payload for drones that provides monitoring and analysis
capabilities for transmissions that are difficult to reach by conventional mobile or handheld
solutions. Typical applications include monitoring of microwave links and interference hunting. The R&S®AMS is independent from the used drone and can operate in an interactive mode requiring a pilot and a monitoring technician as well as in an automatic mode performing predefined measurement tasks requiring only a drone pilot.


Monitoring microwave links

Key parameters for every microwave lin transmission are center frequency, occupied bandwidth and level. The integrated spectrum analyzer measures multiple frequency bands of interest, displays the spectrum with high resolution and calculates the occupied bandwidth for each signal in line with the ß % method as recommended by the ITU. Superimposing reference data, e.g. based on spectrum management information, clearly reveals whether thresholds are exceeded or polarization is correct.

The AMS payload

The AMS payload

Interference hunting

Interference is a major issue also in the microwave range.
Analyzing the spectrum will reveal typical causes like adjacent channel interference or broadband noise. Once the interfering signal has been identified, the analyzer can tune to its frequency and the drone performs a 360° rotation in azimuth. The angle at which the highest level value is obtained indicates the direction towards the source of interference. Via the drone’s camera it might even be possible to recognize potential origins.

Automatic operation

for a maximum of operational flexibility

In automatic mode, multiple measurements are preconfigured via a control software, e.g. by a offside monitoring expert. After completed automatic system check, the configured tasks runs immediately and measured data is stored on the internally. There is no monitoring technican required, just a pilot who navigates the drone. Back in the office, the monitoring expert can analyze the data after downloading the measurement files. In this mode the drone can operate up to its maximum range.

Interactive operation

for instant adjustment and live view

In interactive mode, a monitoring expert and a drone pilot are at the measurement site. A network connection from the operator’s laptop to the R&S®AMS is established using WiFi. Via this link the measurements are defined and controlled as well as the live spectrum is displayed on the operator’s screen. This way the operator can if necessary react immediately by (re-)configuring and starting/stopping the measurements. The operator can save the results on the internally.

System aspects

The R&S®AMS payload includes an antenna, a GNSS receiver, a control unit coming with a power supply independend from the drone. All integrated into the frame attached to a drone.

The standard horn antenna covers a nominal frequency range from 4 GHz to 40 GHz. Additionally, the R&S®AMS-OMNI1 omnidirectional antenna with a frequency range from 300 MHz to 8 GHz is available as an option. For both antennas, the polarization can easily be changed manually.

Independed Payload

The R&S®AMS as payload is securely connected to the drone via dronespecific brackets. Rohde & Schwarz recommends standard drones to which the payload can be directly attached. For other drones mechanical adaptations might be required, which are available on request. Due to the rapidly changing drone market, please contact Rohde & Schwarz for an up-to-date list of supported drone models.



注文番号 3075.7701.02


Omni antenna 0,3 GHz to 8 GHz


注文番号 1321.1334.02


Battery pack

Lithium-ion battery with discharge indicator, 6.4 Ah

R&S®AMS - videos

Monitoring elevated to a new level

Monitoring elevated to a new level

Learn more about aerial measurement systems in real implementations.

More information




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