Webinar recording: Emotet & Co. - Why you don't need to worry

Emotet & Co. - Why you dont' need to worry - webinar

Webinar recording: Spam mails, encrypted data & data theft: Sustainable protection from malware like Emotet

Digital blackmailing and encrypted data through ransomware has become a profitable business. More and more people are using the internet and more employees* in the home office increase the chances for successful cyberattacks, e.g. via spam mails with malicious attachments or links to malicious websites. But you can protect yourself proactively in advance. How do you ask yourself? You can find out in our webinar recording.

After our webinar you are prepared, because:

  • You are familiar with the specific IT security terms and the malware Emotet
  • You are aware of the potential danger
  • You know what to do in case of an attack
  • You can arm yourself in advance, because: You know the relevant protective measures
  • You can protect yourself proactively and do not just react to attacks!

Topics of the webinar:

  • Malware: what are the types and how is their functionality?
  • How does malware evolve using the example of Emotet
  • An attack scenario in 10 steps
  • You've been hit: First aid measures
  • Recommendations: How can you protect yourself beforehand?
  • Endpoint Protection: Proactively protect endpoints and your network

Register now for our webinar "Emotet & Co. - why you don't need to worry"

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Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 및 본 웹사이트의 기업 정보에 명시된 Rohde & Schwarz 각 법인 또는 각 지사가 마케팅 및 광고 목적(예: 특별 행사 및 할인 프로모션에 대한 정보)으로 이메일 또는 우편을 통해 연락하는 것에 동의합니다. 개인 데이터 사용 및 해지 절차에 대한 자세한 내용은 개인정보 보호정책마케팅 동의 단락에 명시되어 있습니다.

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