TRM and antenna testing

TRM and antenna testing

Beamforming antennas are the key to high-throughput satellite communication and advanced remote sensor performance.

Active phased array antennas can be found in many of today's satellite applications The demand for broad bandwidth, high data capacity and active beam steering means modern active array designs have to meet highest performance requirements in the hazards of space. Test and measurement solutions from Rohde & Schwarz include a broad portfolio of test instruments and solutions for every aspect of antenna design validation, from testing phased array antennas in transmit mode and receive mode to testing T/R modules and verifying switch matrix performance.

For more insight information, contact us now.

Webinar: Characterizing satellite receivers made easy with next generation VNAs

Webinar: Characterizing satellite receivers made easy with next generation VNAs

Join this webinar to learn about the features of the Rohde & Schwarz high-end Vector Network Analyzer ZNA, supporting a comprehensive and reliable characterization of such devices!

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