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131 Resultados
Apr 17, 2019 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz is the first provider of a complete end-to-end 5G NR network measurement solutionTest and measurement expert Rohde & Schwarz completes its commercial 5G NR network measurement solution. In combination with the new R&S TSME30DC downconverter, the R&S TSMx6 network scanner analyzes 5G NR signals up to 30 GHz, covering the majority of high frequency 5G NR use cases. Rounding out the solution are an updated version of the R&S ROMES4 drive test software and the R&S SmartAnalytics web-based software suite launched at MWC 2019.
Vídeo, vídeo sobre Nb-Iot, vídeos sobre MNT Pruebas de cobertura de NB-IoT con R&S®ROMES4 y un escáner R&S®TSMx.
Explore soluciones para pruebas de O-RAN. Descubra nuestra amplia gama de soluciones para pruebas de conformidad de O-RAN, conformidad de O-RU y rendimiento de O-RU.
Read expert stories about innovations in mobile network testing and get more insights into our state-of-the-art measurement solutions for mobile networks.
Este artículo presenta la referencia de un ingeniero que describe los retos de optimización de redes de acceso radioeléctrico y cómo abordarlos.
This application note describes the highlights of real-time 5G NR analysis in pre-commercial 5G NR trials and early deployments (5G NR scanning use cases), the functionality of network scanners R&S®TSMx6 together with R&S®ROMES4, and how users will experience the added value network scanners.
The R&S®TSME6 is designed for efficient drive and walk tests with a maximum degree of freedom and upgradability. With its ultracompact design and multiband and multitechnology support for simultaneous measurements, the scanner fulfills all requirements for a state-of-the-art measurement tool.
R&S TSMA6 Autonomous Mobile Network Scanner - Product Brochure
EU Declaration of Conformity for TSME6 including accessory: TSMA6-BP, TSMA6B-BP, TSMA6-Z1, TSME30DC, TSME44DC
EU Declaration of Conformity for TSMA6B and accessory: TSMA6-BP, TSMA6BP, TSME30DC, TSME44DC, TSMA6-Z1
The compact R&S®TSMA6B autonomous mobile network scanner is an integrated solution for efficient drive and walk testing. It offers maximum performance, autonomy and connectivity with an integrated highperformance PC and a mobile network scanner to comply with the latest requirements for state-of-the-art mobile network testing.
El escáner LTE C-V2X proporciona a los clientes la oportunidad de verificar, probar y optimizar los sistemas STI (indicadores clave de desempeño de RF y contenido de mensajes de sistemas STI decodificados).
oct 21, 2022 | N.º de nota de aplicación 8NT07
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations.
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations.
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations.
Meet our mobile network testing experts and find out what they have to say about the latest telecom industry trends and innovations.
Read expert stories about innovations in mobile network testing and get more insights into our state-of-the-art measurement solutions for mobile networks.
Desde el punto de vista de la optimización y las pruebas, el IoT de banda estrecha es más que un complemento estándar al LTE. Representa un desafío totalmente nuevo para la cobertura. Descubra cómo afrontarlo.
Silvio Borer is passionate about data analysis and quality assessment.
Li Shih Ooi leverages her engineering background to drive marketing strategies for Mobile Network Testing
Marco joined R&S MNT Operations Team soon after his graduation at Sapienza University in Rome. Within the group, he is in daily contact with teams from all around the world and is keen on learning and sharing knowledge internally and to customers.
Accurate multitechnology RF measurements for deep network insights
P25 and FRMCS scanning
Mission-critical networks currently in migration from narrowband to broadband play a crucial role in enabling communication for various public safety agencies
Mar 12, 2024 | N.º de nota de aplicación 8NT12
Read expert stories about innovations in mobile network testing and get more insights into our state-of-the-art measurement solutions for mobile networks.