Test and measurement for broadcasting

Test and measurement for broadcasting

Rohde & Schwarz test & measurement ensures reliable broadcasting infrastructure

Rohde & Schwarz test and measurement solutions safeguard successful installation and maintenance of terrestrial and wired distribution infrastructures for broadcast content and Internet data.

These solutions aim to supply a wide range of subscribers with TV, radio, and internet data over extensive coverage areas, meeting essential reliability, efficiency, and quality requirements. Compliance with regulatory standards during operation is vital to mitigate the risk of any unwarranted interference with other services.

The implementation and adherence to requirements and regulations in the installation, maintenance, and operation of such infrastructures are facilitated by R&S broadcast receivers, which offer effective support to users, enabling them to meet necessary standards seamlessly and with scientific precision.

Terrestrial networks and transmitters

Terrestrial networks and broadcast facilities

Overcoming challenges for reliable signal transmission

Successfully transmitting signals over terrestrial networks can be a complex undertaking, especially in regions with varying topography. The presence of elevated terrain and buildings leads to problems such as shadowing and multipath, which can significantly affect signal reception. To address these problems, modern transmitter networks are often designed as single frequency networks (SFNs). However, implementing SFNs requires strict adherence to specific parameters, including transmit power, transmit frequency, signal injection, and signal propagation times. In addition, it must be ensured that each transmitter operates only in its assigned frequency spectrum.

To meet these challenges and ensure reliable signal broadcasting, the R&S®ETL TV analyzer comes into play. This analyzer provides comprehensive measurements required for the installation and maintenance of broadcast transmitters. By using the R&S®BCDRIVE drive test software in conjunction with the TV analyzers, operators can effectively identify coverage gaps in the transmission area. This valuable information serves as the basis for optimization measures that ultimately improve overall transmitter performance.

Embracing Technological Advancements

Despite the increasing trend of consuming radio and TV programs through internet-based mediums like mobile communications and DSL, hybrid fiber coax (HFC) cable TV networks continue to operate, upgrade, and expand on a global scale. Since the 1990s, these cable TV networks have been concurrently transmitting internet data in accordance with the DOCSIS standard alongside the traditional TV signals.

Ensuring Signal Integrity: DOCSIS 3.1 Analysis at Headends and Cable Networks

Currently, the DOCSIS 3.1 standard represents the pinnacle of technological advancement for transmitting internet data in HFC cable networks. Headends today predominantly deliver digital TV signals, which are likely to be gradually replaced by DOCSIS 3.1 IPTV signals in the medium to long term. For the analysis of DOCSIS 3.1 signals at the headend or within the cable TV network, users have the option to choose between the R&S®FSW high-end spectrum analyzer, equipped with DOCSIS 3.1 capabilities, and the R&S®DSA real-time DOCSIS signal analyzer.

In conclusion, the advanced test and measurement solutions provided by Rohde & Schwarz enable adherence to regulatory standards and ensure reliable signal transmission, allowing content providers to seamlessly reach a targeted or global audience.

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The R&S®DSA allows precise, gapless signal analysis of DOCSIS 3.0, EuroDOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 signals on the physical layer in realtime.

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