Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for R&S Business Partners

Rohde & Schwarz Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Version


The Rohde & Schwarz group of companies is a leading supplier of solutions in the fields of test and measurement, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and radiolocation as well as secure radiocommunications. Rohde & Schwarz is committed to high enterprise and corporate social responsibility standards, ethical business practices, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Our business partner selection and management processes are shaped not just by economic considerations, but also by environmental and social performance factors, by the fundamental principles of anti-corruption and fair competition and by fairness in our dealings with business partners.

Rohde & Schwarz has established rules of conduct governing our relationships with our customer, supplier and business partner base. We expect our business partners to apply comparable principles in their own organizations as a basis for mutual business relationships.

Business partners hereby agree that their company and their subcontractors respect the principles below, abide by the regulations that govern them, and put the requisite organizational measures in place to ensure compliance.

Legal compliance
Business partners agree to comply with all prevailing laws and regulations at the locations at which they operate.
Business partners also agree to comply with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009 (Amendment 2018).

Ethical values
Business partners must not engage in any form of corruption, bribery, anti-competitive agreements or other unfair business practices. Business partners monitor their employees' and subcontractors' compliance with these principles, take appropriate action in any instances of infraction of which they become aware, and take effective action to prevent such infraction.

Child labor
Business partners respect the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the child labor regulations in the respective country. Agents and business partners must not engage in child exploitation as defined in ILO Convention No

Respect and dignity
Business partners treat their workforce with respect and refrain from any form of violence or physical or mental maltreatment. Business partners refrain from and prevent workplace discrimination, above all on account of age, handicap, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Wages and other payments
Business partners comply with applicable laws and regulations on remuneration and working hours, including laws and regulations on minimum wages, overtime, piece-work rates and other remuneration, and make such payments and provisions as required by law.

Forced labor
Business partners do not use any form of involuntary labor.

Right of co-determination
Business partners respect their employees' right to membership in employee organizations such as labor unions. The business partners' employees have the right to participate in determining appropriate working conditions and to share information and experiences with one another.

Safety and health
Business partners comply with all legal and official requirements concerning occupational safety. Business partners are responsible for employee safety and health in the workplace. Business partners take steps to minimize the risks of occupational accidents and diseases, including offering employees appropriate training to avoid such risks.

Export and import regulations
Business partners adhere to all applicable national and international embargo, export and import regulations.

Environmental protection
Products, processes and procedures are developed and deployed in an environmentally compatible manner in accordance with the technical state of the art. Business partners agree to abide by all applicable environmental laws, requirements and standards in accordance with these principles.