Key facts
- Emulation of instrument landing system (ILS)
- Emulation of VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR)
- Emulation of distance measuring equipment (DME)
- Emulation of ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS)
Key facts
Traditional ground-based flight navigation aids such as VOR, DME or ILS still play an important role in enroute navigation, precision approaches and landings. Landings can also be performed using satellite-based navigation in combination with differential corrections from local ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS). Onboard navigation receivers that use these technologies need to be tested under controlled and repeatable conditions. Rohde & Schwarz offers various solutions that generate signals for such navigation flight systems.
Avionics receiver testing under realistic conditions
Avionics test solutions from Rohde & Schwarz allow avionics receivers to be exposed to a realistic signal environment, i.e. to signal reception conditions that are very similar to those for a receiver onboard a plane. A combined GPS/GBAS simulation generates GBAS messages based on differential corrections consistent with the simulated GNSS errors. This enables advanced multimode receiver testing.
Feature set
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Feature set
Order number 1423.8020.02
Order number 1423.8137.02
Order number 1423.8143.02
Order number 1423.8120.02
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