VNA pulsed measurements

VNA pulsed measurements
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VNA pulsed measurements, Application Image

Key facts

  • Integrated Pulse Modulators and Pulse Generators
  • Minimum Generator Pulse Width 8 ns
  • Minimum Modulator Pulse Width 40 ns
  • Up to 8 internal Pulse Generators
  • Up to 4 internal Pulse Modulators

VNA pulsed measurements - fast and easy

There are several reasons to characterize RF components under pulsed conditions. Often it is to prevent thermal damage to the device under test or to characterize it under operating conditions. Vector Network Analyzers offer integrated hardware and software for accurate device characterization under pulsed conditions. This hardware includes built-in pulse modulators, pulse generators and synchronization IO including for external device control. S‑parameters, input and output powers and intermodulation products can be measured without any external components to generate RF pulses and synchronize test sequences.

Features & benefits

Internal Pulse Modulators and Pulse Generators

Fully integrated setup and assured validity of the system error correction

1. R&S®ZNA one pulse modulator per port
2. R&S®ZNA 4 internal pulse generators for modulator control
3. R&S®ZNA 4 additional internal pulse generators via B91 interface
4. R&S®ZVA 2 internal pulse generators
5. R&S®ZVA: Signal conditioning unit R&S®ZVAX-TRM  pulse modulators for Ports 1, 2 and 3

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Pulse Measurements vs Frequency and Power

Support for pulsed applications such as wideband (point-in-pulse), narrowband (average) and pulse profile measurements.

1. Highly selective IF digital filters for average pulse measurements.
2. High dynamic range for wideband pulse analysis
3. Up to 30 MHz of IF bandwidth available for wideband and M19pulse profile measurements

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Point-in-Pulse Measurements (wide-band)

Short measurement times of up to 40 ns

1. Wide  IFBW up to 30 MHz with option ZNA-K17
2. S-parameters, absolute peak power in amplitude and intermodulation measurements 
3. Flexible trigger functions supporting complex pulsed measurement scenarios and facilitating synchronization of measurements.

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Pulse Profile Analysis vs Time

Useful insights into the Pulse Shape

1. Wide IFBW up to 30 MHz
2. Support for periodic, non-periodic and one-shot pulse scenarios
3. Short pulse widths up to 40 ns
4. Pulse Rise Time resolution up to 20 ns

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Available models

Available models
Supported VNA
Integrated pulse generators/modulators
Minimum generator/modulator pulse width
Pulse modulator rise time
Minimum measurable pulse width
Maximum available IF bandwidth


Order number 1332.5371.02

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Supported VNA
Integrated pulse generators/modulators
Up to 8 internal / Up to 4 internal
Minimum generator/modulator pulse width
8 ns / 40 ns
Pulse modulator rise time
20 ns
Minimum measurable pulse width
32 ns
Maximum available IF bandwidth
30 MHz with ZNA-K7
30 MHz with ZNA-K17


Order number 1164.1511.02

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Supported VNA
Integrated pulse generators/modulators
Up to 2 internal / Up to 3 internal
ZVAX-TRM required
Minimum generator/modulator pulse width
12,5 ns / 10 ns (typ.)
Pulse modulator rise time
1 ns (typ.)
Minimum measurable pulse width
420 ns
Maximum available IF bandwidth
30 MHz with ZVA-K7
5 MHz with  ZVA-K17

Available options

Pulse, EMI and EMF measurements

Order number 1332.5459.02

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Increased IF bandwidth up to 30 MHz

for R&S®ZNA

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