R&S®CA210 Signal analysis software

Offline analysis of signals and wideband signal scenarios

R&S®CA210 Signal analysis software
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R&S®CA210 signal analysis software, front view

Key facts

  • In-depth frequency agile (hopper) signal analysis
  • Covering measurement methods specified in the ITU-R SM.1600 recommendation
  • AI based automatic detection of signals in wideband signal scenarios
  • Classification of modulation types/channel codes/transmission systems
  • In-depth OFDM analysis

Technical analysis of communications signals

R&S®CA210 software provides technical offline analysis of recorded signals and wideband signal scenarios, including frequency agile signals. The software has analysis functions for fixed frequency emissions and examining burst transmissions. R&S®CA210 is a powerful tool for signal analysts and experienced COMINT operators for frequency domain analysis, time domain analysis and modulation parameter measurements of unknown signals. The signal analysis results can be handed over as reports to COMINT postprocessing. R&S®CA210 is ideal for online signal analysis solutions, such as R&S®CA100 or R&S®CA120/RAMON;

Features & benefits

Automatic signal analysis

Sparing analysts routine work

An automatic, artificial intelligence based HF signal detection function speeds up investigations of wideband signals with a large number of different emissions. A powerful automatic classifier determines modulation type, measures technical parameters and identifies the transmission system for a wide range of analog and digital signals. The workflow combines detection and classification with fully automated rule based signal processing.

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R&S®CA210 screenshot

Automatic classification of technical signal parameters

Interactive modulation analysis

Manual measurement of emission characteristics measurements

R&S®CA210 covers the measurement methods specified in the ITU-R SM.1600 recommendation. It offers a variety of representations and tools for analyzing and measuring technical parameters for unknown signals, such as bandwidth, symbol rate, number of tones, tone spacing, shift, modulation index, length of guard interval, number of channels, signal duration, symbol valency and modulation type.

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R&S®CA210 screenshot

Detailed modulation analysis in line with ITU-R SM.1600

OFDM signals

In-depth analysis of continuous OFDM signals

The OFDM signal analysis is a fast, step-by-step guide to determining OFDM signal characteristics and modulation parameters. It also helps demodulate OFDM signals and determine or verify OFDM symbol allocations. Automatic algorithms determine all relevant signal and modulation parameters. Each parameter can be modified and used as a preset for the automatic algorithm. All estimated parameters can be verified in multiple diagrams for the best results.

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R&S®CA210 screenshot

When the constellation diagram and allocation matrix are activated, analysts can determine which OFDM signal channels are being used and why

COMINT solution integration

Demodulation and decoding

Signals analyzed or classified with R&S®CA210 can be handed over to optional, PC based R&S®CA100 signal analysis and signal processing software for demodulation and decoding. R&S®CA120 multichannel signal analysis software provides automatic signal processing to the R&S®CA210 software.

Frequency agile signals

In-depth hopper signal analysis

A detector for short time emissions detects short time and burst signals. A histogram view provides an overview of all detected short time emissions in a frequency range. Analysts can then decide the next steps, especially using selected parameter ranges (e.g. hop duration or modulation type) to filter short time emissions. Using the filters, hopper signals can be recombined to continuous signals.

R&S®CA210 screenshot
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R&S®CA210 screenshot

In a wideband signal scenario, three active hopper signals were detected and marked in different colors.

Available options


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OFDM signal analysis


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Short-time signal analysis

Frequency agile hopper signals can be detected, separated
and recombined into individual data streams for further


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Detection, search and classification

For fixed frequency signals. Classification capability requires R&S®CA210CL


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Automatic processing of detected signals

Requires R&S®CA210DSC and R&S®CA210CL


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Artificial intelligence based HF signal detection

In very dense HF signal scenarios with many analog adjacent or overlapping AM, LSB, and USB signals, an artificial intelligence deep learning approach improves detection quality


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R&S®CA210 introduction

1 day (5 hours)


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R&S®CA210 operator training

5 days

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