Wireless communication seminar tour 2024

Wireless communication seminar tour 2024

5G Advanced and beyond, path to 6G


Oulu - May 14
Vantaa - May 15

Stockholm - May 16
Lund - May 17


Finland and Sweden


Presenters: Reiner Stuhlfauth, Technology Manager, Wireless Communication and Meik Kottkamp, Technology Manager, Wireless Communication

Wireless communication seminar tour 2024

We are happy to invite you to our free half day seminar ‘5G Advanced and beyond, path to 6G’ in Finland and Sweden, May 14-17, 2024.


5G NR evolution, 5G advanced

  • Selected 5G Rel18 and Rel. 19 aspects, e.g. NTN, network energy saving, ambient IoT and RedCap
  • Performance measurements in public and private 5G NR networks, for private networks with focus on industrial applications.
  • AR/XR: How to test the metaverse?

On the verge to 6G

  • Overview of relevant 6G research topics
  • Status on sub-THz (wide bandwidth), joint communication and sensing (JCAS), reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) and the potential of AI/ML

5G NR is successfully deployed globally while addressing the major services eMBB, mMTC and URLLC. As every generation in wireless communications, innovative new ideas foster the technology evolution. 5G is learning to drive (V2X), to fly (NTN), to navigate (positioning) and to improve energy consumptions (power saving aspects). We will present selective technology enhancements as specified in 3GPP Rel18 and 19.

Beside the technology evolution of 5G, the next wireless generation 6G is addressed in various research projects around the world. Our second objective is to present some of the technology aspects that are keeping researchers busy in these days.

Rohde & Schwarz is proud to accompany the path towards 6G with its expertise in test and measurement and we present T&M challenges like performance measurements in the context of industrial applications, signal analysis and generation in higher frequency ranges beyond FR2, Over-the-air testing but also UE testing using one-box-tester.

Dates, locations and registration



Date: May 14, 2024
Time: 08:45-12:30
Venue: Elektroniikkatie 3, Oulu
(Technopolis) / Auditorium


Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 08:45-12:30
Venue: Tekniikantie 12
(Technopolis, Innopoli1),
Espoo / room ‘Galileo’



Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 08:45-12:30
Venue: Coor Konferens, Kista
Science Tower, Färögatan 33, Kista


Date: May 17, 2024
Time: 08:45-12:30
Venue: Bricks Lund,
Mobilvägen 12, Lund

Our 5G testing experts

Reiner Stuhlfauth, Technology Manager, Wireless Communication

Reiner Stuhlfauth a Technology Marketing Manager working in the market segment Wireless of Rohde & Schwarz in Munich. He is responsible for teaching and promoting mobile communication technologies, especially cellular standards, like GSM, (E)GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, LTE-Advanced and 5G NR, but also non-cellular technologies such as WLAN and Bluetooth. He is also involved in a number of projects concerning 6G, the next mobile communication technology. In his role, he links development and sales organizations to coordinate implementation of technical features into R&S instruments and interactively discusses new requirements with R&S customers. Reiner is one of a group of authors within R&S who have published a technology book of 5G NR: “5G New Radio – Fundamentals, procedures, testing aspects”.

Meik Kottkamp, Technology Manager, Wireless Communication

Meik Kottkamp has more than 25 years of technology experience in the cellular industry. He is Principal Technology Manager within the T&M market segment organization of Rohde & Schwarz in Munich. He is responsible for strategic marketing and product portfolio development covering the enhancements in existing and new 3GPP technologies. His focus is on 5G NR, specifically for industrial applications and the emerging beyond 5G / 6G technologies. Meik joined Rohde & Schwarz in August 2007 after working 11 years at Siemens and NSN, respectively. He holds a Dipl.-Ing. degree of electrical and microwave engineering from the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.

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