Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software

General analysis

Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
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Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Software Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot Spectrum analysis oscilloscope software, Screenshot

Key facts

  • Multichannel spectrum analysis
  • Display of change in power and frequency over time
  • Frequency analysis with logarithmic display
  • Spectrum analysis from DC to instrument bandwidth
  • Multi-domain icon

Oscilloscope software

The option enables spectrum analysis capabilities on the R&S®RTH and R&S®RTM3000 oscillsocopes and enhances the multichannel spectrum analysis capabilities of R&S®RTP, R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE oscilloscopes. The option provides features such as spectrogram display and logarithmic frequency axis as well as an automatic peak list detection and additional detector support for R&S®RTP, R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE.

Features & benefits

Multichannel spectrum analysis

All R&S®RTP, R&S®RTO, R&S®RTE, R&S®RTM3000 and R&S®Scope Rider oscilloscopes come with powerful multichannel spectrum analysis for up to four signals in parallel. The low-noise frontend and the A/D converter’s high effective number of bits provide an outstanding spurious-free dynamic range, so that even weak signals can be identified without difficulty.

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Display of change in power and frequency over time

Use the spectrum analysis options to analyze time-varying signals in the frequency domain. A spectrogram is a color-coded frequency timing diagram in which the frequency domain is plotted over time. How the signal varies over time is indicated by the intensity and color of each point in the two-dimensional diagram. Oscilloscopes allow you to quickly analyze voice and AM/FM modulated signals as well as signals from radar and frequency hopping systems.

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Frequency analysis with logarithmic display

For many measurements, logarithmic scaling of the frequency axis is helpful to better display values of several orders of magnitude. The spectrum analysis options support this function for the spectrum and spectrogram.

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Fast results with automatic peak list measurement

Use the peak list measurement function to automatically measure frequency peaks. The frequency peak list is displayed in a table. The power and frequency of the highest peaks can be marked in the spectrum.

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Available models

Available models
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1338.1110.02

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Order number 1338.1110.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1335.7981.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1335.7981.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1335.9184.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1335.9184.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1801.6870.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1801.6870.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1329.7425.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1329.7425.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1326.3006.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1326.3006.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit


Order number 1333.0680.02

Click on order no. to copy
Order number 1333.0680.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Logarithmic scaling
Peak list
Time-frequency corr
Base unit

More information

Multi-domain Debugging of embedded IoT Devices

Multi-domain debugging of embedded IoT devices

This video demonstrates the multi-domain test capabilities of the R&S®RTO oscilloscope

How to analyze EMI problems

EMI debugging with the R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE oscilloscopes

More information

Testing IoT designs

Focus EMI debugging

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