Radar target simulation for validation

Automotive radar validation

Advanced automotive radar test system (RTS) from Rohde & Schwarz that includes hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and vehicle-in-the-loop (ViL)

Homologation and validation of new vehicle models today require millions of test kilometers to be driven under different environmental conditions, on different types of roads in various countries around the world. Due to the increased complexity of automated driving (AD) and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) functions, and new developments in radar technology, testing efforts expand very quickly. Just relying on road testing is no longer practical.

In addition, scenario testing of autonomous driving functions on the public roads can be dangerous, and under conditions that are not easily reproducible. As a result, hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and vehicle-in-the-loop (ViL) scenario testing of automotive radar is gaining importance.

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Your challenges:

  • End-to-end verification, validation, calibration or homologation of AD/ADAS functions at component and full-vehicle level
  • Reproducing complex traffic scenarios, automotive radar object simulation over-the-air
  • Ensuring the radar target generation test equipment is scalable and has the technical specifications to cover the increasing number of targets, and future complex scenarios
  • Meeting the increased test-complexity requirements of ADAS target simulation while minimizing costs and accelerating time-to-market

Rohde & Schwarz automotive radar test systems features:

  • Automotive radar target simulator for driving scenario testing that can be easily defined and executed with the highest reproducibility
  • Complex automotive radar object simulations including multiple sensors, over-the-air
  • Increased accuracy and repeatability from fully-electronic antenna arrays
  • Fully scalable, covering all use cases from R&D to production, easily upgradable to cover future requirements

The standardized ASAM OSI® (Open Simulation Interface) ensures easy integration of the Rohde & Schwarz Radar Target Simulator in any Hardware-in-the-Loop test system. This has been demonstrated together with our partner Vector Informatik using their CANoe and DYNA4 simulation environments.

The small form-factor and fully electronic implementation makes the Rohde & Schwarz Radar Target Simulator the first choice for Vehicle-in-the-Loop testbeds. Developed in a strategic partnership with AVL, you can now perform radar-enabled and GNSS-based testing and validation under safe and reproducible conditions at vehicle level with the AVL DRIVINGCUBE™.

Rohde & Schwarz automotive radar target simulator solution benefits:

  • Less road testing and concurrent testing gives faster time-to-market by speeding up the development cycle
  • Cost reduction by reducing road test kilometers and the number of prototype vehicles with the Rohde & Schwarz automotive radar target simulator
  • Test critical functions such as emergency braking under safe conditions
  • More confidence from using a future-proof test system from leading innovators, able to evolve for future upcoming challenges

Realistic tests on virtual roads

The Rohde & Schwarz radar test system opens a completely new field of possibilities for testing radar-based ADAS and AD features to ensure correct operation in hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and vehicle-in-the-loop (ViL) testbeds.

Automotive radar object simulation can vary parameters such as distance, angular velocity, size, elevation and azimuth. The scenario testing of changes in angular position becomes possible without physically moving antennas or devices thanks to the innovative antenna array technology. Multiple automotive radar objects can be simulated for all radar-based ADAS features, from emergency braking through cruise control to fully autonomous driving requiring a 360° environment. With an instantaneous bandwidth of 4 GHz ranging from 76-81 GHz, the full frequency range of state-of-the-art and future automotive radar sensors is covered.

Test like it's real

With a responsive real-time interface, controlled by industry-established simulation environments, even challenging, complex and risky automotive radar target generation can be achieved and virtually tested for ADAS in a closed loop.

Future-proof scalability and reliability

Due to an extremely modular and scalable automotive radar object simulation design, all types of vehicles with different amounts and variants of radar sensors can be tested on the same test system and future, unforeseen requirements can be accommodated. Thanks to the innovative system design without mechanically moving antenna parts, the automotive radar target simulator system from Rohde & Schwarz is immune to mechanical wear and tear.

Our partners

  • 1Maximilian Chucholowski
  • 2Tobias Düser
Maximilian Chucholowski, Product Manager DYNA4 Virtual Test Driving

Maximilian Chucholowski, Product Manager DYNA4 Virtual Test Driving at Vector Informatik GmbH

The combined forces of the Rohde & Schwarz radar test system together with the Vector CANoe remaining bus and DYNA4 virtual test drive simulations add up to a powerful solution for efficient hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing of real radar sensors. With this system, radar sensor hardware can be stimulated consistently with artificial radar echoes and remaining bus signals from a simulated vehicle while performing automated virtual test drives in arbitrary traffic scenarios.

Find more information about Vector CANoe and DYNA4 on www.vector.com/radar-hil

Featured products for automotive radar object simulation

R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester

  • Dynamic and precise target simulation
  • Verify radar sensors signal level (EIRP)
  • Ultra-compact
  • Battery powered

Product information

Related resources for automotive radar object simulation

Webinar: The RadEsT compact radar target simulator: Your all-rounder from lab to vehicle

In this webinar, you will learn more about the radar lifecycle and test challenges as well as the applications of the RadEsT compact target generator.

More information

Application resources for automotive radar object simulation

Application card: Test automotive radar interference mitigation

In a driving environment, radar sensors must detect objects even when there is interference from other radars or unwanted transmitters. Download this Application Card to find out how the R&S®AREG800A automotive radar echo generator is essential to test radar sensor immunity to interference.

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