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R&S®ATC-SBC, side view

Key facts

  • EUROCAE ED-137 B and C compliant
  • Advanced topology hiding
  • Seamless integration
  • Elaborate redundancy
  • Double link interconnection

Secure voice communications in critical infrastructures

The R&S®ATC-SBC session border controller is a modern, resilient instrument for safeguarding critical infrastructure. ED-137 compliance and innovative cybersecurity features enable the R&S®ATC-SBC to act as a firewall between the ANSP network and the outside world. The R&S®ATC-SBC offers true network separation with complete SIP and RTP repacking. Additional functions include advanced call admission control to protect against DoS attacks. The quad redundancy technology with smart call routing also allows for ANSP-grade availability in voice networks.

Features & benefits

High resilience for critical infrastructures

Strengthen critical infrastructure for secure and reliable services

ANSP networks are vital for safe air traffic control. The safety-critical nature of air travel demands unconditional and uncompromised operations. Connection to other ANSP systems leaves the voice infrastructure open to intended and unintended attacks. Rohde & Schwarz provides improved safety solutions, including innovative methods such as alternate routing and SIP trunk load balancing.

SIP trunk load balancing
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SIP trunk load balancing

SIP trunk load balances out traffic with multiple trunks to the same destination.


Limit network exposure to limit damage from a potential attack

Network separation and hiding topology enhance privacy and reduce ambiguity. The R&S ATC-SBC acts as two phones with headsets stacked on top of each other. When a call is terminated on one side, it is initiated on the other. The R&S®ATC-SBC uses the same principle as an internal ANSP network topology and only presents a single IP address to the connecting partner. Outgoing traffic is filtered on a need-to-know basis.

Isolating individual network branches
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Isolating individual network branches

If a network is under attack, the R&S®ATC-SBC acts as a buffer, preventing the attack from propagating further into the network.

Reliable backup

Geographic redundancy for network diversity

The R&S®SBC is fully compatible with modern backup technologies. Redundant network topologies provide communications systems with a whole new perspective of reliability. Spreading network infrastructures over multiple geographic locations enables an ANSP to easily isolate a particular network branch or route traffic around problem areas. The R&S®SBC paves the way for a robust and generalized network diversity concept.

Quad redundancy support with different locations
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Quad redundancy support with different locations

The R&S®SBC implements signature quad redundancy technology over geographically diverse company networks.

Double link interconnect

Unconditional parallel data stream backup with no switchover thanks to PRP

Connections between two air navigation service providers (ANSP) are critical, since they are used to handle traffic across regional airspace borders. Rohde & Schwarz has implemented the innovative double link interconnect feature to ensure availability. Partners exchange data via two entirely independent WAN carriers. The parallel redundancy protocol (PRP) implements backups and redundancy for all data links, ensuring instant transition to backup resources, with no switchover time.

Double link interconnect with R&S®ATC-SBC
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Double link interconnect with R&S®ATC-SBC

Dual link interconnect is the top redundancy method, ensuring immediate transition with no switchover time.


Ensure optimal compatibility and interoperability between networks

In ATC, the interface between different networks or their branches often requires additional standardization. The R&S®SBC provides seamless interfacing while protecting the network from outside influence. The session border controller enhances interoperability by translating between the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. This also includes media interoperability, since the R&S®SBC transcodes between various voice codecs, such as G.729 and G.711, in line with ED-137.

Protocol and media interworking
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Protocol and media interworking

The signal processing engine of the R&S®ATC-SBC translates between multiple IP versions and protocols. 


Isolate a specific network branch for maintenance or update

The extensive R&S®SBC network separation capabilities make it vital in a variety of applications, including uncomplicated serviceability. The R&S®SBC ensures the rest of the network remains fully functional while a specific area is being serviced by isolating it from the larger network. Furthermore, the maintenance process does not interfere with the rest of the network or vice versa.

Network separation for easy serviceability
Open Lightbox

Network separation for easy serviceability

Usage and performance reporting, real-time monitoring and network performance alerts all keep servicing uncomplicated.

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