Case Study
Key facts
The platform
Manufactured by Embraer, the A-29 Super Tucano is a turboprop light attack aircraft that, in addition to basic and advanced pilot training, can act as a counterinsurgency, border patrol and surveillance aircraft. It was designed to be an inexpensive system operated in low-threat environments.
Customer situation and requirement
The A-29 Super Tucano has logged in success internationally as a multi-mission platform, being used for close air support (CAS), armed reconnaissance and advanced training. It is able to operate from remote and unpaved runways for boarder surveillance, combat illegal activities or counter insurgency (COIN) missions. Operationally proven, it is in use with more than 15 air forces in the world.
By means of software downloads, the transceivers can already implement important functions required during a mission. Almost 8000 SOVERON radios are in use on over 70 different airborne platforms.
Rohde & Schwarz solution
The A-29 Super Tucano is equipped with up to two R&S®MR6000R VHF/UHF airborne transceivers of the SOVERON radio family. These come in the very compact ARC-164 housing and offer integrated frequency hopping methods and encryption for secure tactical radiocommunications with ground troops in addition to 8.33 kHz ATC channel spacing. R&S®SECOS, a secure digital voice and data capable algorithm providing COMSEC/TRANSEC capabilities and black key loading is already embedded.
Results and achievements
Other versions of this transceiver support NATO HAVE QUICK II and SATURN frequency algorithms for interoperability in allied operations. Software downloads enable the transceivers to implement important functions during a mission. Almost 8000 radios from the SOVERON radio family are in use worldwide on over 70 different airborne platforms.
The SOVERON airborne radio family is the product of decades of experience, especially in design and development.