Security Screening Solutions Finland Demo Day

Rohde & Schwarz Security Screening Solutions Finland Demo Day

22.11.2023, Finland / Vantaa


November 22 / 2023


Helsinki-Vantaa Airport


R&S®QPS201 and R&S®QPS Walk2000 Security Scanner Event

Rohde & Schwarz Security Screening Solutions Finland Demo Day

The advanced scanning technology of the QPS family of products detects all types of potentially prohibited items such as metallic objects, ceramics, plastics, powders, liquids or gels to just name a few. Its wide range of detection capabilities and its high resolution make the R&S®QPS the ideal solution for multiple applications.

During this event you will have the opportunity test R&S®QPS201 and R&S®QPS Walk2000 yourself with your own objects. The R&S QPS detects objects made of any material, relying on a ‘no contact’ process.


  • Introduction to Rohde & Schwarz Security Screening Solutions
  • Opportunity to test R&S®QPS201 and R&S®QPS Walk2000 and to ask questions from our experts

This event is for professionals responsible of the security and prevention loss of airports, prisons, customs, border control, special secured areas, police, court, ministry, government, nuclear power stations, data centers, production plants, distribution centers, among others.

We offer you two time slots with the same agenda. Please register to the one best for you.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


22.11.2023, Finland / Vantaa

Register for morning session: 9:00-12:00

22.11.2023, Finland / Vantaa

Register for afternoon session: 13:00-16:00

Typical applications


QPS security screening solutions

More information

Security scanners

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