R&S®TH1 Liquid-cooled transmitter series

Shaping a sustainable and connected future

R&S®TH1 Liquid-cooled transmitter series
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R&S®TH1 Liquid-cooled transmitter series
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R&S®TH1 Liquid-cooled transmitter series
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R&S®TH1 liquid-cooled transmitter series, front low R&S®TH1 liquid-cooled transmitter series, side view R&S®TH1 liquid-cooled transmitter series, back low

Key Facts

  • 50% lower carbon footprint than installed base 
  • 5G Broadcast: the solution of choice for commercial deployment
  • Reduction of energy costs by 15% 
  • Unparalleled amplifier design: fully sealed, fan-less units
  • Safe operations with R&S service packages

The next generation transmitter series

The R&S®TH1 is a radical new approach to liquid-cooled, high-power transmitters from Rohde & Schwarz. Designed for sustainable broadcasting in a connected world, it turns critical challenges such as carbon footprint, operational costs and new media consumption habits into opportunities for broadcast network operators.  The new transmitter reduces energy consumption by 15% relative to the best current designs. And it unlocks new 5G Broadcast applications, generating additional revenue opportunities such as direct transmission to mobile devices and data delivery to IoT and automotive applications.

Features & benefits


Cut carbon emissions

The R&S®TH1 transmitter significantly reduces energy consumption and your carbon footprint. Reducing emissions helps broadcasters meet emerging environmental regulations.

  • 15% lower energy consumption compared to the most efficient current transmitters
  • 50% smaller carbon footprint compared to average for the installed base
  • Sophisticated liquid-cooling design dissipates 90% of waste heat outside, reducing your footprint even further

Reducing carbon footprint
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Reducing carbon footprint


Ready for new business opportunities

Ready for 5G Broadcast, the R&S®TH1 unlocks new broadcast applications for the automotive industry and the internet of things, shaping a prosperous future for network operators with new business opportunities.

  • New software-defined exciter platform, highly flexible and scalable
  • Ready for DTV standard extensions
  • 5G Broadcast: the solution of choice for commercial deployment

New broadcast applications
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New broadcast applications


Maximum operational efficiency

The R&S;®TH1 reduces operational complexity and enables automation. Unparalleled energy efficiency slashes operating costs and lowers monthly bills on all levels.

  • 15% lower energy costs compared to the most efficient current transmitters
  • Over 50% lower energy costs comparted to the installed base average
  • Continuous self-monitoring of key performance indicators
  • Convenient maintenance via smartphone and tablet

Efficient broadcasting
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Efficient broadcasting


Robust and self-reliant design

The R&S®TH1 is designed for a long operational life and self-reliance. You can focus on other things while it operates silently.

  • Proven amplifier design - fully sealed, fan-less units
  • Distributed system control
  • Self-adjustment in line with operational limits

Resilient operation even in tough conditions
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Resilient operation even in tough conditions


Added value lifetime services

Rohde & Schwarz understands and fully supports the operational targets of transmitter operators. Lifetime services from Rohde & Schwarz ensure the highest availability of R&S transmitters for their complete operational lifetime.

  • Safe operations with Rohde & Schwarz service packages
  • Software maintenance and ensured spare part availability
  • Priority access to Rohde & Schwarz experts

R&S®lifetime services
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R&S®lifetime services

Available models

Available models
Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)

R&S®TH1 1.2kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 4 transmitters

R&S®TH1 2.4kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 4 transmitters

R&S®TH1 3.6kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 4 transmitters

R&S®TH1 4.8kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 3 transmitters

R&S®TH1 6.0kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 2 transmitters

R&S®TH1 7.2kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)
up to 2 transmitters

R&S®TH1 9.6kW UHF

Number of amplifiers
Dimensions (H x W x D)
2000 × 600 × 1100 mm
(78.74 × 23.62 × 43.31 in)
MultiTX (several transmitters in one rack)

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