R&S®LCX LCR meter

The top-class in component testing

R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter
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R&S®LCX LCR meter, front view R&S®LCX LCR meter, front view R&S®LCX LCR meter, front high R&S®LCX LCR meter, side view R&S®LCX LCR meter, hero view R&S®LCX LCR meter, rear low R&S®LCX LCR meter, rear low

Key Facts

  • Frequency range upgradeable to 10 MHz
  • Basic accuracy of ±0.05 % for impedance measurements
  • Basic accuracy of ±0.03° for phase measurements
  • DC bias up to 40 V
  • Data logging function

A partire da 3.260 EUR

The top-class in component testing

The R&S®LCX LCR meters are versatile, extremely accurate and perform measurements quickly. They are ideal for challenging applications in research, development and production. Two instrument models and various options cover applications with a test signal frequency of up to 10 MHz. Internal and external bias functions, comprehensive analysis options and versatile test fixtures expand the wide range of possible applications.  

Features & benefits

Fast, accurate and versatile

Both R&S®LCX models combine high measurement speed, accuracy and versatile measurement capabilities. This makes them ideal for standard measurements in development, for material analysis in research as well as for fast production testing. With their broad measurement ranges, they also cover applications with extremely low and extremely high impedances. Three measurement times are available:

  • Fast: ≤ 15 ms
  • Medium: ≤ 100 ms
  • Slow: ≤ 500 ms
The basic accuracy for impedance measurements is ±0.05 %, and for phase measurements ±0.03°.  

Selectable frequency range

All R&S®LCX models measure under DC conditions. The AC range already begins at 4 Hz. The upper frequency limit on the R&S®LCX100 is 300 kHz. In its base configuration, the R&S®LCX200 is designed for a maximum frequency of 500 kHz; this frequency limit can, however, be extended to 1 MHz or 10 MHz. This means that the ideal instrument is available for any given application and budget.  

Test signals for all requirements

Test signals can be generated from 100 mV to 10 V and deliver a current of up to 200 mA. The instruments have a selectable output impedance of 100 Ω or 10 Ω. The actual current flow and the voltage applied are measured using the monitor function.  

DC bias

In many applications, an adjustable DC bias is needed to measure C and L components at different operating points. The R&S®LCX100 and R&S®LCX200 generate a DC bias voltage of up to 10 V. As an option, it is also possible to set a DC bias current (up to 200 mA). DC bias voltages of up to 40 V can be applied at an external connection on the rear panel (R&S®LCX-K108 option) using a standard DC power supply, for example an R&S®NGA.  

Data logging function

The R&S®LCX LCR meters provide a fast logging function for recording all measured values. The data can be saved on an external USB flash drive or transferred to an external PC via USB or LAN. With a data rate of up to 10 sample/s, the measured values are available every 100 ms.  

Available models

Available models
Measurement functions
Frequency range
Test signal voltage (RMS)
Test signal current
Internal bias voltage
Orario d'inizio


Order Number 3629.8856.02

Measurement functions
Cp, Cs, Lp, Ls, D, Q, G, Rp, Rs, Rdc, R, X, Z, Y, Θd, Θr, B, M, N
Frequency range
DC, 4 Hz to 300 kHz
Test signal voltage (RMS)
10 mV to 10 V 
Test signal current
1 mA to 200 mA
Internal bias voltage
0 V - 10 V
Orario d'inizio
3.260 EUR


Order Number 3629.8856.03

Measurement functions
Cp, Cs, Lp, Ls, D, Q, G, Rp, Rs, Rdc, R, X, Z, Y, Θd, Θr, B, M, N
Frequency range
DC, 4 Hz to 500 kHz (1 MHz or 10 MHz optional)
Test signal voltage (RMS)
≤ 1 MHz: 10 mV to 10 V,
≤ 5 MHz: 50 mV to 2 V,
> 5 MHz: 100 mV to 1 V
Test signal current
≤ 1 MHz: 1 mA to 100 mA,
> 1 MHz to ≤ 5 MHz: 1 mA to 20 mA,
> 5 MHz: 1 mA to 10 mA
Internal bias voltage
0 V - 10 V
Orario d'inizio
5.400 EUR

Available options

Hardware options

Order Number 5601.6000.02


IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface

Software options

Order Number 3630.1922.03


Advanced analysis functions


Order Number 3660.7741.03


Digital I/O ports and binning function


Order Number 3692.9791.03


Extended bias functions


Order Number 3630.1880.03


Frequency upgrade to 1 MHz, for R&S®LCX200


Order Number 3630.1900.03


Frequency upgrade to 10 MHz, for R&S®LCX200


Order Number 3639.2296.02


Test fixture for axial/radial lead type devices


Order Number 3638.6446.02


Kelvin clip lead


Order Number 3639.2509.02


Test fixture for SMD components


Order Number 3639.2515.02


Test tweezers for SMD components


Order Number 3639.2521.02


Transformer test cables


Order Number 3639.2538.02


BNC extension, length: 1 m


Order Number 5601.4059.02


19" rack adapter, 2 HU

Educational note: Understanding transformer testing

Educational note: Understanding transformer testing

Transformers are passive devices that are primarily used to convert or "transform" alternating current (AC) from one voltage level to another. One very common application of transformers is in AC to DC power supplies, in which mains voltage is stepped down before being rectified and filtered to produce DC. There are numerous other applications for transformers, such as providing electrical isolation or for impedance matching.

Read this educational note and dive into the discussion about the six most important transformer measurements: turns ratio, mutual inductance, phase angle, primary and secondary inductance, leakage inductance, and interwinding capacitance.

Related videos

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Strumento di scansione con funzione di analisi avanzata R&S®LCX-K106

Lo strumento di scansione per i misuratori R&S®LCX LCR consente di misurare l'impedenza dinamica mediante la scansione della frequenza del segnale di prova, del livello e della polarizzazione CC.

Caratteristiche principali dei misuratori R&S®LCX100 e R&S®LCX200

I misuratori R&S®LCX LCR sono dotati di touchscreen ad alta risoluzione, frequenza massima fino a 10 MHz, funzioni di misura versatili e funzionalità di registrazione

Funzioni estese di polarizzazione R&S®LCX-K108

L'opzione R&S®LCX-K108 consente all'utente di applicare al dispositivo in prova una polarizzazione esterna di tensione DC fino a 10 V e una polarizzazione interna di corrente DC fino a 200 mA.

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