Protecting critical infrastructures (KRITIS)

Protecting critical infrastructures (KRITIS): Security scanners from Rohde & Schwarz

What are critical infrastructures (KRITIS)?

Critical infrastructures (KRITIS) are organizations and facilities that are essential to the functioning of a society. They supply indispensable goods and services and are divided into ten categories:

  • Water
  • Energy
  • Nutrition
  • Finance and insurance
  • Health
  • Information technology and telecommunications
  • Municipal waste disposal
  • Media and culture
  • Government and administration
  • Transportation and traffic

As this list shows, critical infrastructure is not limited to obvious essentials such as food, water and electricity but also extends to the storage and processing of sensitive or critical information.

Physical security challenges

Due to new laws—such as the EU NIS2 policy, the KRITIS law in Germany and Martyn’s Law in the UK—physical security measures will be legally mandated for critical infrastructures:

  • Access control and monitoring to prevent unauthorized entry
  • Security screening of personnel, including external personnel and service providers

Such security measures come with many challenges:

  • Queuing and congestion at entry/exit points
  • Privacy concerns
  • High maintenance costs
  • Psychological impact
  • Operational complexity

Our security solution for critical infrastructures

The Rohde & Schwarz QPS security scanners provide comprehensive screening capabilities while avoiding the drawbacks of traditional security measures. Both the R&S®QPS201 and the R&S®QPS Walk2000 offer precise, efficient screening. Using non-invasive millimeterwave technology, they detect all types of objects, regardless of material or size. Alarms are displayed on a gender-neutral avatar, ensuring the privacy of scanned personnel. The detection software is based on AI algorithms, allowing the scanners to continuously evolve and counter new threat scenarios.

The R&S®QPS201 is certified for use at airport security checkpoints. It can also be used in other high-security locations, such as data centers, ammunition depots or correctional facilities. With its high precision screening capability, it detects the smallest concealed items within a matter of seconds.

The R&S®QPS Walk2000 allows the screened person to simply walk through the scanner; there is no need to pause and pose. It is an excellent complement to the R&S®QPS201 as well as the ideal solution for critical infrastructures such as power plants, data centers and courthouses - places with high foot traffic that require fast processing.

Both scanners lower operational costs by reducing the need for a large security staff, and its robust design, built-in self-diagnosis capabilities and lack of moving parts result in low maintenance costs.

Protect critical infrastructures with confidence. Partner with Rohde & Schwarz today.

Our critical infrastructure security screening solutions

R&S®QPS201 quick personnel security scanner

High precision security screening solution certified for airports and border control

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R&S®QPS Walk2000 walk-through security scanner

High throughput security screening for reduced queuing and comfortable user experience

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