Secure communications webinars

Learn more about our secure communications solutions for all echelons of the armed forces. Secure communications from Rohde & Schwarz connect the modern battlefield for land forces, increases air sovereignty for air forces and enhances connectivity for naval forces worldwide

Air-to-air & ground-to-air communications

Webinar: IP-based voice communications system for military air traffic control

Presented by Philip Schier, Norbert Fuchs, Catalin Burdujan

You are cordially invited to learn about our new R&S®M4ACS secure communications solution. The “IP-based voice communications system for military use” webinar introduces various application scenarios to demonstrate the power of the R&S®M4ACS solution.

Naval communications

Maximum reliability & minimum costs

This webinar focuses on Rohde & Schwarz increased reliability while reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) for a coastal radio transmitter station. It is demonstrated how reliability was taken to a whole new level by avoiding single points of failure and by creating a clever redundancy concept, while significantly reducing operational costs for the whole system. The modernization of a typical transmitter station is used as an example to show how to reduce energy costs. The typical investment in transmitter modernization can be financed with energy savings alone over a typical lifetime. A positive side effect is a significant reduction in your CO2 footprint.

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Liquid Cooling

This webinar focuses on the innovative cooling system itself along with the resulting reliability and TCO benefits. The Rohde & Schwarz broadcasting and media experts talk about what makes the technology so special. The experience with thousands of installations worldwide has led to permanent system development and optimization, always focused on reliability and ease of use. Rohde & Schwarz experts present their lessons learned and explain how they were integrated into the self-sufficient liquid cooling system that gives R&S®SK41xx HF high-power transmitters such unique reliability and low total cost of ownership.

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Off to new shores

This webinar highlights the requirements of high-performance HF wideband technology for modern BLOS communication. The Rohde & Schwarz experts focus on shore stations and consider their typically exposed location on the coast and in the mountains. They explain, how the innovative technology from Rohde & Schwarz in the new HF high-power transmitter ensures reliable and robust BLOS communications with maximum availability and minimum total cost of ownership (TCO).

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NAVICS - State-of-the-art integrated communications systems for naval platforms

This webinar illustrates why NAVICS is a state-of-the-art integrated communications system (ICS) for all naval platforms. Various communications scenarios and architectures of yesterday's ICS with today's solution from Rohde & Schwarz are compared. You will learn more about current requirements for an ICS and what a modern solution looks like. A deep dive into the NAVICS ecosystem gives you an overview of the entire system solution and its subsystems and explain how NAVICS turns vessels into networks.

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HF in a nutshell

In this webinar, you will receive an overview of currently available BLOS communications solutions and the latest developments in this field, i.e. HF versus satellite communications (SATCOM). Rohde & Schwarz experts will highlight all the relevant customer benefits of HF, including robustness, capabilities and costs (CAPEX, OPEX). The webinar will be rounded off with the current status, pros and cons of the two HF wideband standards as well as the benefits of HF wideband technology compared to traditional HF narrowband technology.

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Part 1 of HF wideband - 4th generation of HF communications

In this “HF Wideband - 4th generation HF communications” webinar (1 of 2), you will learn more about the relevant standards and practical performance expectations of HF wideband communications.

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Part 2 of HF wideband - 4th generation of HF communications

In the second session of the “HF Wideband - 4th generation HF communications” webinar series, you will learn more about the physical basics and the effects and requirements for HF devices.

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Related webinar series

Military spectrum monitoring

Learn more about how electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) monitoring helps armed forces optimize frequency management. And how Rohde & Schwarz helps identify the spectrum of intended or unintended radio emissions to protect military assets and rescue operations.

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Military countering drones

Learn more about the efficient and reliable counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) solutions, whether for permanent facilities at home or temporary and forward-deployed operating bases further afield.

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Webinars overview

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Learn more about our defense solutions


Airborne solutions and avionics testing for air sovereignty and connectivity in the air domain.

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Solutions for modern land forces enhancing digital sovereignty and spectrum dominance in the land domain.

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Naval solutions to enhanced situational awareness and maritime platform protection in the sea domain.

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Multi-domain operations

Mastering the electromagnetic spectrum to archive true spectrum dominance in all domains.

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