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10 결과
Taiwan reduces system complexity with R&S®Series5200 radios. Learn more
NAV CANADA chooses Rohde & Schwarz HF systems for long range communications.
Find out more about remote air traffic control towers. CERTIUM supports virtualized tower operations where the controller does not work in the control tower, but rather from a remote tower.
Find out more about safe and efficient solutions for area control centers and air traffic controller communication.
Find out more about airport tower control, with reliable yet cost-effective and space saving systems for small and medium airports. These can also be scaled up to support traffic growth or the requirements of international hubs.
CERTIUM® RADIOS CERTIUM® RADIOS Reliable software defined radios featuring an innovative security-by-design architecture. CERTIUM® GATEWAYS CERTIUM® GATEWAYS Seamless integration of legacy applications into IP infrastructure enabling phased migration scenarios. CERTIUM® MANAGEMENT CERTIUM® MANAGEMENT Centralized management of VCS and radios to enable smooth network operation.
As one of the world's leading VCS & radio manufacturers and turnkey system integrators, Rohde & Schwarz is your trusted partner for your air traffic communication needs.
Modernizing communications equipment of AirNav Ireland and ISAVIA Learn more
Mobile ATC radio solutions for emergency or redundancy. Mobile ATC shelters enabling ANSPs to get safe air traffic operational in minimal time.
R&S solutions for ATC radios and voice communications systems for supervisory authorities, airports, air navigation service providers (ANSP) and airlines.