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16 Resultados
Multi-element VHF/UHF direction-finding (DF) antenna with superior accuracy
The R&S®TMS-CDF compact transportable monitoring station for direction finding - robust and weather-resistant ideal for outdoor use in various environments.
The R&S®EM200 digital compact monitoring receiver is a cost-efficient and optimized solution for remote controlled spectrum monitoring and geolocation. It detects, analyzes, demodulates and locates emissions from 8 kHz to 8 GHz.
ITU-compliant outdoor monitoring and location system with minimum infrastructure requirements and high flexibility for site selection.
Compact wideband monitoring receiver from 8 kHz to 6 GHz (with options) and optional direction finding upgrade
The R&S UMS400 universal monitoring system in combination with Rohde & Schwarz monitoring and direction-finding antennas is the basis for fixed, mobile and transportable spectrum monitoring stations, e.g. for interference hunting and spectrum monitoring at major events.
R&S®PR200 portable monitoring receiver – high-performance spectrum monitoring in a handheld format. Reliably detects, analyzes and locates signals from 8 kHz to 8 GHz.
The R&S®ESME wideband monitoring receiver enables reliable high-performance spectrum monitoring from 8 kHz to 40 GHz, even in high density signal environments.
The R&S®ESMD wideband monitoring receiver is designed for signal search, radiomonitoring, radio detection and spectrum monitoring from 8 kHz to 26.5 GHz.
The R&S®ESMW Ultra wideband monitoring receiver is the perfect solution to address future trends and challenges in spectrum monitoring. It covers the wide frequency range of 8 kHz to 40 GHz with an outstanding real-time bandwidth of up to 2 GHz.
Compact radiomonitoring from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz
Weatherproof remote spectrum monitoring and DF solution
The PR100 operates from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz and is designed for radiomonitoring applications in the field.
R&S®ADD107 VHF/UHF DF antennas are optimized for radiolocation from a moving vehicle on interference hunting missions and for small scale electronic warfare (EW) operations including emitter hunting missions and longterm monitoring missions close to targets.
Rohde & Schwarz has equipped the Brazilian telecommunications regulatory authority ANATEL with a mobile monitoring and direction finding system for detecting unwanted interference to eliminate disturbing noise in the radio spectrum.
The Argentinian regulatory authority has purchased and now operates eight R&S®DDF007 portable monitoring and direction finding systems with R&S®MobileLocator.