Satellite user terminal testing

Satellite user terminal testing

Development and production of satellite user-terminals

Overview of user terminals

Satellite user-terminals are developed for various satellite networks and applications. They transmit and receive signals to and from satellites, enabling global connectivity and services such as broadcasting, internet access and data transfer.

There are several types of user terminals, for example BGAN terminals, VSAT terminals, military terminals and others including SBB, FBB and Iridium.

Satcom on the Move (SOTM) pertains to mobile satellite communications. It’s a technology employed in military ground vehicles, maritime vessels, and airborne platforms. Essentially, SOTM enables a vehicle equipped with a satellite antenna to establish and maintain communication with a satellite while in motion.

Satellite user terminal test challenges

Manufacturers face several difficulties during user terminal development and production. These challenges highlight the need for innovation, strategic planning and efficient production processes.

User terminals need to fulfill many requirements, which are driven by the need for high-speed, reliable and secure communication links. With advancements in technology, these requirements are likely to evolve and become more complex.

Key challenges include:

  • Operation across multiple satellite frequency bands
  • Communication with high-throughput satellites (HTS)
  • Integrated modems that combine modem functionality with the antenna to reduce overall complexity and cost
  • Electronically steerable antennas (ESA)
  • Software defined radios (SDR) that must adapt to different satellite networks
  • Satcom-on-the-move (SOTM)

High-performance satellite user terminal test solutions

At Rohde & Schwarz, we offer solutions for testing component, subsystems and complete user terminals.

  • RF & microwave component testing: mixer, frequency converter, low-noise amplifier (LNA), low-noise block converter (LNB), power amplifier, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
  • Sub-systems testing: power supply, traditional and ESA antennas, LNB, modem, WiFi modules
  • Entire user-terminal testing: EMC

Rohde & Schwarz products for user terminal testing

Spectrum and signal analyzers

Innovative VSAs for development, qualification and production of satellite systems.

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Benefits of our satellite user terminal test solutions

Enhance the reliability and quality of your satellite systems with our high performance test and measurement solutions.

  • Highest measurement precision
  • Coverage of relevant measurement needs in line with test matrix
  • High confidence level as to the correct functioning of tested system
  • Early adoption of latest satellite test requirements
  • Local market presence and customer support
  • Cost-efficient testing process

Do you want to know more?

Rohde & Schwarz user terminal test solutions

RF & microwave component testing

Solutions to optimize the performance of your RF and microwave components and devices.

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Electronics testing

Customized electronics testing solutions for design verification tests and manufacturing.

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Antenna testing

Antenna test systems and OTA chambers.

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EMC testing

Leading solutions in EMC testing, from debugging to full compliance.

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Featured user terminal testing content

Webinar: Meeting the antenna challenge for NewSpace terminals - Teaser

Webinar: Meeting the antenna challenge for NewSpace terminals

Learn how to decode and debug SpaceWire interfaces with an oscilloscope.

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Webinar: Digital Design Test Solutions for Satellite Components

Webinar: Digital design test solutions for satellite components

Learn how to decode and debug SpaceWire interfaces with an oscilloscope.

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