
Artificial Intelligence Unlocks 6G’s Potential

While most are still experimenting with AI, developers are charging forward to transform wireless communication with machine learning techniques. AI is expected to unlock ultra-fast, seamless 6G communication through innovations like adaptive signaling and neural receivers. We stand at the cusp of immersive 6G worlds merging the physical and digital, from next-gen sports to telemedicine, intelligent factories to autonomous vehicles.

The reality of 6G communication may be years away, but the technologies that will make 6G possible exist right now. This eGuide seeks to answer questions on how AI and other innovations will enable 6G standard communication, including:

  • Will 6G benefit from a joint communications and sensing (JCAS) capability?
  • Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) – science fiction or reality?
  • Faster, wider and all over?
  • What does “ultra” add to massive MIMO?
  • Can 6G talk and listen simultaneously?

Today’s Technologies, Powering 6G Tomorrow

Merged reality, immersive smart cities and automatic public security may seem like science fiction, but the technology facilitating these 6G applications is already here.

Today’s Technologies, Powering 6G Tomorrow

THz Communications

THz Communications

Ultra-Massive MIMO

Ultra-Massive MIMO

Photonics, Visible Light Communications

Photonics, Visible Light Communications

Reconfiguration Intelligent Surfaces

Reconfiguration Intelligent Surfaces

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI/ML Bottom Banner CTA

Discover the 6G Wireless Communication Technologies