Jammer testing

Jammer testing

Validating the performance of advanced smart jammer designs

Smart jammers, commonly referred to as deceptive jammers or digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jammers, based on their technology, are widely used by the defense industry in electronic attack and defense suites to deceive hostile radars and protect friendly assets. Test and measurement solutions from Rohde & Schwarz address all challenges during the design phase, system performance validation and production process. The DRFM technique involves sampling the RF signal, digitally storing and recreating the signal while modifying some or all of the signal parameters based on the desired deception technique.

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White paper: Improving the capabilities of cognitive radar and EW systems

White paper: Improving the capabilities of cognitive radar and EW systems

Download this white paper to learn about the challenges that mode-agile radar and EW threat emitters pose to traditional static threat library implementations in radar and EW systems and find out more about the architecture of cognitive artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems that can be used to deliver effective RF countermeasures.


Webinar: An Overview of Space Electronic Warfare (EW)

In this webinar we provide an overview of Electronic Warfare in Space and introduce useful technologies that can be applied to Space EW.

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Webinar: Testing next generation jammer systems

Webinar: Testing advanced jammer systems

In this webinar you will learn how to check the correct parameters of the used jamming and deception techniques.

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Webinar: Deceptive jammer / DRFM testing

The webinar introduces the concept of Digital RF Memory Jammers, describes their technology and the respective Test and Measurement challenges and solutions from Rohde & Schwarz.

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