Embedding & Equalization oscilloscope software

General analysis

Embedding & Equalization oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Embedding & Equalization oscilloscope software
Open Lightbox
Embedding & Equalization oscilloscope software, Software Embedding & Equalization oscilloscope software, Screenshot

Key Facts

  • High flexibility in defining a signal path with emulated signal distortion (Embedding) and signal recovery (Equalization)
  • Embedd up to 5 user configurable components 
  • Define a cascade of equalizer containing of TX-FFE, CTLE, RX-FFE and/or DFE
  • Pre-defined equalizer coefficients for common interface standards
  • Full PAM-N support with option RTP-K135

Brief Description

The Embedding & Equalization option enables the emulation of pre-distortion (also called pre-emphasis or de-emphasis) at the transmitter side, the emulation of a lossy channel (e.g. embeddding transmission loss of a PCB trace or long cable) and the emulation of various equalizer types at the receiver side.

Caractéristiques & avantages

Flexible configuration

Cascading of embedding & equalization

The R&S®RTP offers highest flexibility for the configuration of a signal lane that matches the characteristics of the DUT and its respective target application, including lossy signal channel and TX and RX equalizers. Select the respective components and configure the application specific parameters. You can build your individual cascade of deembedding, TX-equalizer, signal channel embedding and finally RX equalization.
The R&S®RTP computes FIR filters automatically, depending on the loaded S-parameter files for embedding and the defined coefficients for the equalizers.

Signal Lane dialog with access to TX-FFE, Embedding and Equalizer setups
Open Lightbox

Signal Lane dialog with access to TX-FFE, Embedding and Equalizer setups

Pre-defined parameters

Benefit from preconfigured equalizer and embedding settings for common interface standards

The signal configurator is the central entry point for signal integrity analysis. It supports you with interface standards depending configurations such as symbol rate, PAM order, CDR settings and equalizer coefficients. Just select an input channel as the source and the appropriate interface technology and continue with configuration of deembedding, embedding and equalization, before you start the in-depth analysis with automated measurements, eye as well as jitter and noise tools.

Signal configurator: select a interface standard
Open Lightbox

Signal configurator: select a interface standard

Equalizer training

Optimize coefficients for FFE or FFE+DFE

Optimize the tap coefficients for FFE and DFE equalizer with an automated training for your dedicated signal.

Equalizer Training for FFE or FFE+DFE
Open Lightbox

Equalizer Training for FFE or FFE+DFE

Previews for Equalizers

Validate your Equalizer setup with preview diagrams for Magnitude, Phase, Group delay, Step response or the taps.

Preview diagram for CTLE: Tab view
Open Lightbox

Preview diagram for CTLE: Tab view

Available models

Available models
Equalizer filters
Base unit


Numéro de commande 1800.6025.02

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Up to 5 components
Equalizer filters
Base unit


Numéro de commande 1801.8109.02

Cliquer sur le No. de commande afin de copier.
Numéro de commande 1801.8109.02 a été copié dans votre presse-papiers.
Up to 5 components
Equalizer filters
Base unit

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