3 Résultats
R&S®M4ACS Airdomain Communications System - Product Brochure
The R&S®M4ACS is a future-proof communications solution for fixed and deployable military command centers and air bases. It offers certified separation of classified and unclassified communications via a trusted audio switch that automatically manages the correct security level of incoming and outgoing calls to simplify the air traffic controller’s work.
Belgian Air Component operates R&S®M4ACS - Case Study
The R&S®M4ACS air domain communications system meets demanding security requirements for Belgian MoD command center.
R&S®VCS-Red / Black Trusted end-to-end communication solution for mission control - Flyer
R&S®VCS-Red / Black Trusted end-to-end communication solution for mission control - Flyer Brochures et fiches techniques Flyer