R&S®Pulse Sequencer

The powerful radar simulation software

R&S®Pulse Sequencer
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R&S®Pulse Sequencer
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R&S®Pulse Sequencer
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R&S®Pulse Sequencer
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R&S®Pulse Sequencer
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R&S®Pulse Sequencer , screenshot, antenna pattern, 3D scenario preview, chirp modulation on pulse R&S®Pulse Sequencer , screenshot, 2D scenario preview, moving emitter along a trajectory on the map R&S®Pulse Sequencer , screenshot, graphical mode editor with five emitters R&S®Pulse Sequencer , screenshot, triangular chirp MOP and 3D scenario preview Pulse Sequencer software introductory video

Key Facts

  • Powerful COTS radar signal simulation for scenario generation
  • Precise RF radar signal generation and digital radar signal generation 
  • From simple pulse trains to highly demanding direction finding scenarios with angle of arrival (AoA)
  • Realistic scenarios with maps and multiple moving emitter platforms
  • Standardized radar profiles for dynamic frequency selection (DFS) tests

Test your system. Counter the threat. 

R&S®Pulse Sequencer software together with a vector signal generator from Rohde & Schwarz or just as software provides a compelling radar signal generation solution to engineers and technicians responsible for testing radar receivers. The solution is in line with the trend of testing more in the lab rather than expensive field testing. Co-engineered with the industry, the solution supports all relevant modern radar scenario test cases and can account for real-world environments. It uses commercially available R&S®Pulse Sequencer PC software and off-the-shelf Rohde & Schwarz vector signal generators.  

Features & benefits

Test like it's real

Realistic radar scenarios

Testing radar warning equipment in realistic lab scenarios is crucial to its reliable field performance. RF and digital radar signal simulators from Rohde & Schwarz provide highly realistic scenarios taking into account all important scenario elements and system characteristics such as:

  • Pulses and sequences
  • Moving platforms and receivers
  • Trajectories and maps
  • Antenna patterns and scans
  • Pulse-on-pulse and interleaved signals
  • Mode changes
  • Multiple synchronized RF or digital channels for angle of arrival (AoA)
  • Interferers with 5G signals

R&S radar simulator
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R&S radar simulator

The RF radar signal simulator from Rohde & Schwarz consists of the R&S®Pulse Sequencer software and the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator.

Pulse generation

Simulation of pulses and sequences

The basic pulse is at the core of every radar signal. The generated signal complexity ranges from simple pulses for component testing to complex pulse sequences such as modulation on pulse (MOP), special pulse shapes and interpulse modulation. Thanks to R&S®SMW200A real-time sequencing, ultralong signal playtimes simulating slow antenna scans and producing millions of pulses combined with frequency, phase and level agility are possible.

Pulse sequencer screenshot, pulse shape preview
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Pulse sequencer screenshot, pulse shape preview

Radar scenario generation for RF and digital output signals

Typical radar scenarios with receiver and emitters

Scenarios with complex multimode radar emitters with various predefined antenna diagrams and scans or interferers and receivers can be simulated. Import your own antenna diagrams, custom scans and generate your own scenario. Since the scenario includes a propagation loss model, RF power levels as they occur in real-world scenarios are provided. 

Pulse sequencer screenshot
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Pulse sequencer screenshot

Preview of a triangular chirped pulse and 3D scenario preview with signal level over time

Map-based scenario generation

Simulate demanding multi-emitter electromagnetic environments with map support

R&S®Pulse Sequencer software is an easy way to simulate moving radar platforms, emitters and a moving receiver for RF and digital radar receiver testing. The software enables engineers to generate highly dynamic 3D scenarios in the lab. It is ideal for defining static or moving platforms in a 3D scenario with all the necessary realism, such as highly agile pulse profiles, effects from antenna diagrams and scans or movements along trajectories with six degrees of freedom (6-DOF).

Pulse sequencer software screenshot
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Pulse sequencer software screenshot

2D naval scenario preview with multi-emitter platform

Simulate angle-of-arrival (AoA)

Multichannel setups

The R&S®pulse sequencer radar simulation software allows users to easily and intuitively create scenarios for simulating angle of arrival (AoA). Together with multiple coupled R&S®SMW200A vector signal generators, the solution allows quick and thorough performance characterization for all types of direction finding equipment, such as those using amplitude comparison, interferometry or time difference of arrival (TDOA). 

Screenshot pulse sequencer software
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Screenshot pulse sequencer software

3D movements preview with signal level and 2D scenario preview

DFS signal generation

Create standard compliant dynamic frequency selection radar profiles

R&S®Pulse Sequencer dynamic frequency selection (DFS) software with keycode option for Rohde & Schwarz signal generators was specially developed to generate radar signals as specified by national standards bodies in Europe (ETSI), USA (FCC), Japan (MIC), Korea and China. 

Screenshot pulse sequencer (DFS)
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Screenshot pulse sequencer (DFS)

Available models

Base unit


Order Number 1413.8805.02

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Basic feature set for simulating radar signals on an external PC with R&S®Pulse Sequencer software.
Base unit


Order Number 1413.8857.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for radar platforms with more than one emitter.
Base unit


Order Number 1413.9776.02

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Order Number 1413.9776.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities for emitters and receiver, including antenna patterns and antenna scans.
Base unit


Order Number 1413.8957.02

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Order Number 1413.8957.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities for moving emitters and receiver.
Base unit


Order Number 1413.9053.02

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Order Number 1413.9053.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capability for interleaved emitters.
Base unit


Order Number 1414.1433.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for angle of arrival (AoA)
Base unit


Order Number 1414.6706.02

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Order Number 1414.6706.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities including 2D background maps
Base unit


Order Number 1414.6529.02

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Order Number 1414.6529.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities for multiple emitters in combination with additional R&S®SMW-B15 baseband generators without dropping pulses. (pulse on pulse, pulse on CW)
Base unit


Order Number 1413.3510.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for 512 interleaved emitters to R&S®Pulse Sequencer software.
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8414.02

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Basic feature set for simulating radar signals on an external PC with R&S®Pulse Sequencer software.
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8420.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for emitters and receiver including antenna patterns and antenna scans
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8437.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for angle of arrival (AoA)
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1419.7652.02

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Order Number 1419.7652.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Basic feature set for simulating radar signals with R&S®Pulse Sequencer software on an external PC
Base unit


Order Number 1419.7700.02

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Order Number 1419.7700.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities for emitters and receiver including antenna patterns and antenna scans
Base unit


Order Number 1419.7730.02

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Adds simulation capabilities for angle of arrival (AoA)
Base unit
Base unit

R&S®PULSE-K39 Pulse Sequencer Digital, expert upgrade

Order Number 1414.7125.12

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Pulse Sequencer Digital software expert upgrade for angle of arrival simulation, moving radar platforms, multiple output destinations, pulse interleaving, map import and other features. 
Base unit

R&S®PULSE-K32 Pulse Sequencer Digital, standard version

Order Number 1414.7077.12

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Pulse Sequencer Digital software standard version, pulses, sequences, PDW import, emitters and platforms
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1153.02

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Basic feature set for simulating radar signals on an external PC with R&S®Pulse Sequencer software.
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1201.02

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Order Number 1441.1201.02 is now copied to your clipboard.
Adds simulation capabilities for emitters and receiver, including antenna patterns and antenna scans.
Base unit

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