FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

ATE TMO v20.40/20.4x patch status and known issues


This documents describes the fixes done in the different patches and also the current known issues. Only the latest patch needs to be installed as it contains all the previous fixes. All customers are advised to use always the latest version available.

Known issues:

1. For Customer facing issue with TC L_IR94_174811_1, L_IR94_174811_2,L_IR94_164409_1,L_RTT_209105_2 need to set px_withPreconditions to false, steps to enable pixit in pixit editor is as follows Please open ATE_IMS_IcsIxit_tsp file located @ C:\Rohde-Schwarz\ATE\IMS_TC\CMW-ATE_TMO\20.10.xx on contest and locate px_withPreconditions parameter change editable CDATA to TRUE.

2. TC6758_EPS_403_1 is having issue on latch up to cell2. Test case steps are under discussion currently.

3. MMS is not handled on separate PDN, User need to map MMS settings on Internet APN for MMS to work.

4. Test Cases involving GBA can't pass without certificate adjustment. Working out of box as in release 20.20. This is yet to be fixed


1. For CTS fixes in 20.40, please refer to release notes

2. Some TCs have changed suffix names to keep them aligned with QC TC names. Eg. L_RCS_46203_Msg_Details , L_RCS_422922_2 Closed Group Chat - MT etc. List of the changed test case name is attached.

3. If the user wants to use HTTPS in ACS test case, then they need to use config.rcs.cmw500-test.com URL on UE and in pixit settings. For http, current Autoconfig settings are correct.

4. For XCAP test case it is recommended to use HTTP instead if HTTPS. This is under discussion.

5. User may observe changed DNS server, XCAP server and ACS server IP to IPv6 fc01:café::5, however no configuration change is required on setup from user side.

6. TC L_IMS_VoLTE_484735 has not been fully finallised and not yet validated.

NOTE: For CTS fixes after 20.40, Please see below:


  • cts793482 tcRS_41486: Handled 2nd is-Composing to reply 506
  • cts788105 tcRS_42273:: Handling of INVITE when UE is too fast to resume request
  • cts796465 tcrs_42272: Script stops to check re-registration upon receiving SIP BYE


  • cts782438 tcl_ims_volte_423148_1:Deactivate bearer twice issue and handle added for ESR sent by UE before script ready for handover


  • cts791665,cts787741,cts789306 tcL_IMS_VoLTE_294001_SIMless: Issue in test case startup

Resolution : ttcn3build_ATE_TMO_#33.zip


Resolution :ttcn3build_ATE_TMO_#30.zip

Changed test casenames 20.40
14 kB