R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar

Ideal for development, validation and calibration

R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®ATS1500C Antenna test chamber for automotive radar
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®ATS1500C, front view with temperature test option R&S®ATS1500C, side view with temperature test option R&S®ATS1500C, side view with temperature test option R&S®ATS1500C, inside view with temperature test option R&S®ATS1500C, inside view with temperature test option

Key Facts

  • In-band OTA measurements of 60 GHz and 76-81 GHz radar sensors
  • CATR with high-precision reflector and 30 cm quiet zone
  • Small footprint of 1.3 m2
  • High-speed, high-precision 3D tilt-tilt positioner
  • Extreme temperature testing from -40°C to +85°C

A must-have test solution for up-and-coming automotive radar sensors

Transportable CATR based fully anechoic chamber with best-in-class performance

The R&S®ATS1500C radar test chamber is a compact antenna test range (CATR), with a gold-plated parabolic reflector and a two-axis positioner to recreate the 3D movements of a radar module. When combined with the R&S®AREG800A target simulator and other Rohde & Schwarz test and measuring instruments, it can be used for antenna characterization, module calibration, RF performance validation, interference testing or in-band compliance testing. The chamber comes with a universal feed antenna for parallel access to both polarizations. An optional enclosure allows for automated temperature testing over the range of -40 to 85°C.

Features & benefits

Far-field conditions in a compact chamber

State-of-the-art CATR reflector enabling indirect far-field measurements

When measuring antenna characteristics of a 77 GHz 4D imaging radar with an aperture of 10 cm, far-field conditions start at > 5 m. Instead of measuring in large, direct-coupling chambers, the R&S®ATS1500C can measure far-field antenna characteristics thanks to its parabolic CATR reflector with a 1.3 m2 footprint. The reflector is expertly designed and manufactured to create a large 30 cm diameter quiet zone and works bidirectionally.

Minimum measuring distance required for far-field conditions
Abrir Lightbox

Minimum measuring distance required for far-field conditions

R&D, calibration and validation

Wide range of applications to get the most out of the radar sensor

In combination with the R&S®AREG800A automotive radar echo generator, the test system can simulate highly accurate targets with variable range, velocity and RCS. The fast and precise 3D positioner mimics operating radar sensors and ensures high repeatability. The solution is a universal test system for radar validation and calibration. 
Additional test instruments can be added to measure compliance with international standards or test RF interference robustness.

R&S®ATS1500C and R&S®AREG800A - a perfect team for developing 4D imaging radars
Abrir Lightbox

R&S®ATS1500C and R&S®AREG800A - a perfect team for developing 4D imaging radars

Premium chamber quality

High shielding effectiveness and best-in-class absorbers for low reflections

The R&S®ATS1500C is a fully anechoic chamber with shielding effectiveness of > 90 dB. The best-in-class pyramidal absorbers and optimized layout minimize the number of ghost targets and create an ideal testing environment for extremely sensitive automotive radars.

Optimized for minimum ghost targets
Abrir Lightbox

Optimized for minimum ghost targets

High speed, high accuracy positioner

The prerequisite for precise angular measurements

The tilt-tilt 3D positioner is tailored for single polarized automotive radar testing. The adjustable height makes sure the DUT is always aligned and located at the center of rotation. The large tilt angle in both axes fulfills automotive radar requirements and features an angular resolution of 0.03° for precise measurements and radar calibration.

Fast and high-precision positioner for excellent repeatability
Abrir Lightbox

Fast and high-precision positioner for excellent repeatability

Enclosure for extreme temperature tests

Retrofittable temperature test capability

An optional RF transparent yet isolating enclosure makes it possible to heat up or cool down the radar module in a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C and still perform uncompromising RF radiation measurements. The enclosure can be placed on the tilt-tilt 3D positioner with a tilt angle range of +/-90° for the outer and +/-15° for the inner axis. When equipped with this enclosure, the R&S®ATS1500C fully supports automated radar module measurements under extreme temperature conditions.

Automotive range temperature testing from -40°C to +85°C
Abrir Lightbox

Automotive range temperature testing from -40°C to +85°C

Convenience and flexibility

Wide variety of communications interfaces and feedthroughs

A straightforward web GUI is available to control the 3D positioner. It can also be controlled via Ethernet using simple SCPI-like commands, making it very easy to integrate into your software. External test equipment can be synchronized with the positioner using different trigger mechanisms. Several feedthrough types are also available, providing flexible connectivity for your DUT without compromising the shielding effectiveness of the chamber.

Graphical user interface for chamber control
Abrir Lightbox

Graphical user interface for chamber control

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