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Mobile network testing

Category: Benchmarking & optimization

4×4 MIMO in LTE and 5G – the underestimated feature in mobile networks

Written by Michael Lorenz | July 4, 2018
Updated by Arnd Sibila | September 6, 2024

Network densification and the introduction of new frequencies are time-consuming and cost intensive. The implementation of higher-order MIMO features into existing radio networks, however, will boost peak data rates throughout the network and deliver an additional capacity gain. 4×4 MIMO is the current state-of-the-art approach to improve LTE and 5G networks.

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R&S®SmartOrchestrator : Reduce OPEX with end-to-end measurement campaign automation

August 20, 2024 | by MNT Team

Operational cost (OPEX) reduction is a primary challenge for most companies. Rohde & Schwarz addresses this by enhancing its products with state-of-the-art technologies and features designed to maximize efficiency, especially in large-scale measurement campaigns. Learn about the benefits of SmartOrchestrator from the questions & anwers in this post.

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Validating license obligations – converting network scanner measurements into data rates

April 11, 2023 | by Michael Lorenz

“In mobile communications, trust is good but measurements are better,” says Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian minister for economic affairs, state development and energy. The German state of Bavaria ordered a fourth review of mobile network operator license obligations. The review focuses on how well operators met the minimum data rate of 100 Mbps on federal roads and selected railway lines.

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Dimensioning a mobile network benchmarking campaign

May 12, 2022 | by Nils Posegga

The Network Performance Score is used to benchmark networks against competitors over time and even across country boundaries. Rohde & Schwarz implementation in line with ETSI TR 103559 provides the tools needed for data collection and post processing. But what does the dimensioning of a campaign look like when it has representative and statistically reliable results?

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Measurement examples of live 5G mobile networks that support DSS (part 4)

July 5, 2021 | by Andreas Roessler

The last dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) blog post examined the test and measurement methodologies for testing 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) and 5G New Radio (NR) networks that support DSS. The fourth and final post discusses live measurements from mobile networks that support 4G LTE and 5G NR coexistence in the same frequency band.

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DSS: Measurement aspects of testing LTE and 5G networks (part 3)

March 24, 2021 | by Andreas Roessler

After examining the technological background of dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) and how it enables 4G LTE and 5G New Radio coexistence in part 1 and 2 of this article, we will now discuss the test and measurement aspects for mobile networks that support DSS.

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DSS: Enabling 5G NR in standard LTE subframes (part 2)

November 12, 2020 | by Andreas Roessler

After discussing the need for dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) and 5G NR transmission in LTE MBSFN subframes in part 1 of this article series, we will now examine the challenges in enabling 5G NR in standard LTE subframes and introduce the solution defined by the 5G NR standard.

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DSS: 5G NR-LTE coexistence through dynamic spectrum sharing (part 1)

October 13, 2020 | by Andreas Roessler

In part 1 of our series about 5G NR-LTE coexistence through dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), we will take a closer look at DSS’s technological background. We will examine the feature sets that enable DSS and how the technology component is embedded in the LTE and 5G network architecture.

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5G measurements to lay the foundation for autonomous vehicles in port terminals

July 15, 2020 | by Albert Huang

What is the air interface at typical port terminals like, and what needs to be optimized to ensure safer and more efficient automated operations? Discover how 5G measurements conducted with the R&S®TSMA6 scanner and R&S®ROMES4 shed some light on these questions.

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Network Performance Score: How to conduct NPS benchmarking campaigns

February 19, 2020 | by Johanna Sochos

The Network Performance Score (NPS) reflects the perceived technical performance of a mobile network or one of its subsets such as region, period, or technology. What needs to be planned and prepared to conduct NPS benchmarking campaigns that yield representative results that can lead to real insights into network quality?

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Network Performance Score: Configurator for step-by-step campaign setup

February 4, 2020 | by Simon Allemann

The Network Performance Score (NPS) is an integral part of our benchmarking and analytics products based on the Smart platform. With the NPS configuration being pertinent to reliable results, Rohde & Schwarz introduces the NPS configurator, a step-by-step workflow that saves users much time before hitting the road.

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Network Performance Score: Templates for easy support in all products

August 28, 2019 | by Simon Allemann

The Network Performance Score (NPS) delivers a scoring mechanism that allows a very efficient and reliable comparison between operators in a market, and between different measurement campaigns in regions and countries, or before and after the deployment of new technology or software. Learn about the easy-to-use NPS templates in SmartBenchmarker.

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New e-book provides unparalleled insight into the 5G NR world

What's the status of 5G NR? What are the test and measurement requirements, and how do we approach them? Download our new e-book now and get unparalleled insight into the world of 5G NR.

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The world's first 5G NR network measurement solution

Rohde & Schwarz is pioneering 5G New Radio (5G NR) network measurements with the world's first commercially available 5G NR network measurement solution. This solution enables users in the 5G network ecosystem as well as regulators to measure the 5G NR network coverage accurately - one of the biggest challenges in the network planning.

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Pioneers in NB-IoT field measurements

We are paving the way to NB-IoT by provding the world's first accurate LTE/NB-IoT coverage measurement solution: via a software upgrade, the R&S ROMES drive test software now also supports NB-IoT coverage measurements with R&S TSMx scanners.

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