MuQuaNet – a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Defence


a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Defence

Munich Quantum Network


In the age of quantum computers, it is necessary to develop future-proof cryptographical procedures. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an approach that uses physical properties of quantum mechanics in order to provide a shared and physically secure key for the communication to two or more participants.

Approach and goals

Together with the Universität der Bundeswehr München, the main goal of the project is to develop, assemble and operate a quantum-secure communication network for research and evaluation and to provide it to further research institutions, public authorities and military departments. The communication network is intended to deliver the following:

  • to prepare the seamless integration into present network communication infrastructures,
  • to demonstrate the versatile capabilities and
  • to serve as a template for the roll-out of customized, highly secure communication networks.

A combination of cabled optical fiber and free-space optical communications as a quantum-based communications infrastructure can ensure the security of digital transactions over short and long distances. Thus, the installation of a QKD-secured communications network is a main instrument for the investigation and development of secure and trustworthy communications.

Project organization

MuQuaNet is a joint research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Defence in the scope of and involves various expert partners from research and industrial fields. The Bundeswehr University Munich is responsible for the project lead.

  • Project management:
  • Consortium: Bundeswehr University Munich, TU Ilmenau, LMU Munich, DLR, IDQuantique, secunet and Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity
  • Project duration: 01/2021 – 12/2024

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