Security for critical infrastructures

Security for critical infrastructures

Protecting critical infrastructures from cyberattacks

IT security is of particular importance for operators of critical infrastructures, i.e., energy, water, waste management, food, health, transport and traffic, information technology and telecommunications, finance and insurance, government and administration, and media and culture.

Critical infrastructures are organizational and physical structures and facilities of such vital importance to a nation's society and economy that their failure or degradation would result in sustained supply shortages, significant disruption of public safety and security, or other dramatic consequences. Due to their importance to society and economy, critical infrastructure organizations and institutions are subject to comprehensive and strict guidelines. Ensuring data protection and data integrity is a top priority.

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity supports operators of critical infrastructures in complying with specific security standards and delivers tailored solutions for optimal protection of your IT infrastructure.

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity security products strengthen the physical resilience of the systems of critical infrastructure companies and organizations with special security and certification requirements. We support operators of critical infrastructures in complying with the highest security standards and provide solutions for optimum protection of IT infrastructures.

For example, we secure site-to-site connections with our Layer 2 and Layer 3 network encryptors to protect your data communications from attacks and manipulation at the highest level.

Our highly secure web browser R&S®Browser in the Box proactively protects against attacks by ransomware and malware: Security risks due to the "human factor", e.g. accidental opening of infected email attachments and compromised links, are specifically eliminated.

To ensure that mobile working is secure, we recommend using a VPN remote access solution and full-disk encryption as additional security measure - both approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) up to classification level VS-NfD/RESTRICTED, EU and NATO RESTRICTED.

Featured content on security for critical infrastructures

Techconsult Study: Secure Internet Use

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Brochure: On the future of digital security in banks

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RANSOMWARE - The holistic 10-point plan for prevention

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Poster: High security for classified information

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Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update

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