R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system

mmWave antenna and device characterization in a small footprint

R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 Antenna test system
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R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, front view R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, side view R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, back view R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, front view R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, front view R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system, application image

Key Facts

  • Frequency range of chamber and probe antenna:18 GHz to 87 GHz
  • Direct far field system with 5 cm quiet zone size
  • Designed for maximum compactness and mobility
  • Extremely fast and accurate 3D antenna characterization
  • Greater than 50 dB shielding effectiveness up to 87 GHz

R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system for millimeter wave antenna testing

Characterization of devices throughout the entire process from R&D to production

Measurements on active and passive devices, while also supporting extreme temperature testing. 5G is all about data, speed and reliability using high frequency millimeter wave bands. The lack of conventional external RF connectors makes 5G antenna characterization challenging. 5G antenna, chipset and user equipment manufacturers as well as wireless market operators need a viable solution for research, diagnostics, debugging and type approval.

Features & benefits

Very fast and accurate 3D antenna characterization

The high precision positioner allows very fast and accurate measurements

The positioner allows highly precise azimuth and elevation movements with extremely high repeatability and angular resolution, ensuring accurate 3D antenna measurements.
Various DUT holders and fixtures are available for convenient measurements with different sizes and weights.
An accurate DUT positioning and RF calibration are essential for high precision results. Cross lasers integrated in the chamber ensure maximum precision for proper DUT alignment.

Positioner with laser alignment system
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Positioner with laser alignment system

The conical cut positioner allows highly precise movements with extremely high repeatability and very fine angular resolution

Designed for maximum compactness and mobility

The compact design fits into any lab ensuring a small footprint of around 1.3 m2

Developers no longer need large stationary antenna chambers to test and optimize products. This helps avoid measurement bottlenecks. A mobile shielded chamber on wheels can easily be shared among multiple departments.
The R&S®ATS1000 provides a high performance shielded environment over a wide frequency range from 18 GHz to 87 GHz.
The decisive advantage is that its measurement accuracy is equal to that of an antenna chamber three time large, even with its compact form. .

Compact and versatile footprint
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Compact and versatile footprint

R&S®ATS1000 offers a very compact footprint and high mobility thanks to its wheels

Far-field measurements in a small footprint

The compact setup allows far-field measurement with 0.5 m range length

Antenna characterization for 5G devices can be performed under farfield conditions in a quiet zone size of approx. 5 cm. The R&S®ATS1000 can deliver fast and accurate results in a very small form factor when the whitebox approach is needed

3D device characterization
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3D device characterization

Measurement of 3D patterns or antenna gain on a 5G NR transceiver module

Near field to far field transformation

Far field parameters can be computed based on near field measurements

When the device under test exceeds the maximum size for far field conditions, a near field to far field transformation is necessary to determine far-field data.
In conjunction with the R&S®AMS32 software and a vector network analyzer (e.g. R&S ZNA), the positioner in the R&S®ATS1000 can perform 3D measurements in the near field for fast near field to far field transformations.

Dual polarized measurement probe R&S®TC-TA85CP
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Dual polarized measurement probe R&S®TC-TA85CP

The dual polarized measurement probe delivers data from the two orthogonal polarizations required for near field to far field transformations

Measurement under extreme temperature conditions

Perform 3D device and antenna characterization over a wide temperature range

Thermal effects diagnostics on DUTs is becoming a requirement for 5G, since device heating can affect RF components and the radiation pattern of antennas. Engineers no longer need separate testing in an RF OTA chamber and a climatic chamber because the R&S®ATS1000 thermal solution combines both in a single chamber. The R&S®ATS-TEMP option is a compact solution that allows RF measurements on devices in a temperature range from –20 °C to +85 °C.

R&S®ATS1000 with R&S®ATS-TEMP option installed
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R&S®ATS1000 with R&S®ATS-TEMP option installed

The RF transparent material lets R&S®ATS-TEMP provide the ideal environment for device characterization under extreme temperature conditions

Available options


Order Number 1533.8147.02


Climate option ATS1000

Thermal solution for extended temperatur condition testing


Order Number 1508.6650.02


OTA Measurement Software

Base license


Order Number 1508.6680.48


Triggered VNA measurements with continuous mode of postioner

Post processing and generation of 3D pattern


Order Number 1508.6680.49


Extended result visualization

for far field antenna measurements


Order Number 1508.6680.50


NF-FF transformation

based on FIAFTA algorithm


Order Number 1508.6680.53


NF-FF transformation

based on Spherical Wave Expansion algorithm


Order Number 1530.8630.02


Standard gain horn calibration antenna

18 GHz to 26.5 GHz


Order Number 1530.8617.02


Standard gain horn calibration antenna

26.5 GHz to 40 GHz


Order Number 1530.8623.02


Standard gain horn calibration antenna

40 GHz to 60 GHz

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