
The reference benchmarker

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SmartBenchmarker, screenshot SmartBenchmarker, screenshot SmartBenchmarker, screenshot SmartBenchmarker, screenshot SmartBenchmarker, application image SmartBenchmarker, application image SmartBenchmarker, application image SmartBenchmarker, application image SmartBenchmarker, application image

Key Facts

  • Flexible, easy-to-use web interface
  • Users have local control or remote control from the office
  • Intuitive user interface includes customizable workspaces
  • Immediate system alarms
  • Supports Benchmarker 3, Benchmarker II hardware and all modules incl. TCM and VRB

SmartBenchmarker – benchmarking tests made easier

SmartBenchmarker lets mobile network operators and service providers perform accurate and advanced benchmarking tests in line with the latest standards and methodologies while also reducing CAPEX and OPEX.

Features & benefits

Easy-to-use web interface

All relevant information at your fingertips – system overview and real-time results

SmartBenchmarker software helps with the configuration, execution and monitoring of benchmarking test campaigns.
The GUI has a detailed system overview and real-time test results from the connected probes and scanners.

Probe 'live monitoring' for real-time view
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Probe 'live monitoring' for real-time view

Advanced alarm and control functions

Advanced SmartBenchmarker alarm and notification functions save users' time. They can customize the collection and processing of events and notifications so that tests are only actively monitored when prompted.
The configurable smart alarm can notify test supervisors via email or text messaging.

Alarm and notification center
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Alarm and notification center

All alarms and other system notifications are conveniently displayed in the center, keeping users well informed about any system issues.

Unified data collection

SmartBenchmarker performs tests directly on smartphones using the software native to the device.
The test results reflect true end-user behavior since SmartBenchmarker probes are based on commercially available device firmware and standard Android apps. 
SmartBenchmarker also supports and integrates high-end hardware modules such as VRBs and TCMs. Combined, they are the leading solution for end-to-end assessment.

TCM with smartphone
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TCM with smartphone

Drive and walk test campaigns

Same data collection equipment used for drive and walk tests

SmartBenchmarker building blocks include measuring devices, smartphones and R&S®TSMx scanners.
Smartphones can be seamlessly ported and used as standalone QualiPoc solutions. Combined with an RF scanner and a minimal license fee upgrade, smartphones can also be used in portable systems, such as Freerider.
Such modularity and flexibility reduces capital expenditures, while also minimizing the number of testing devices needed.

Smartphone based data collection
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Smartphone based data collection

Hardware option: R&S®Benchmarker 3

R&S®Benchmarker 3 - raising benchmarking to the next level

Extensive in-house benchmarking experience went into the design and implementation of the R&S®Benchmarker 3.
The R&S®Benchmarker 3 has a compact, easy-to-handle and future-proof concept. It sets new standards for benchmarking data collection. 

R&S®Benchmarker 3
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R&S®Benchmarker 3

Compact size - delivering the max

Hardware option: TCM and VRB

Future-proof concept using built-in RF antennas

The test device containment module (TCM) sets optimal conditions for uninterrupted data collection in a stable environment. It ensures maximum data quality for large-scale benchmarking campaigns with the following key product benefits:
- Use of unmodified test devices (smartphones) and their integrated RF antennas.
- Stable thermal environment and uniform conditions for all test devices for comparable results.

TCM in a VRB in action
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TCM in a VRB in action

The TCM is fully compatible with Benchmarker II. Up to 16 TCMs can be installed in the special SwissQual vehicle roof box (VRB).

Hardware option: Benchmarker II

The reference benchmarker

Benchmarker II is a full fledged solution for large-scale drive-test based quality of experience benchmarking campaigns. Mobile operators and testing service providers can assess and compare service quality (QoS and QoE) based on the most comprehensive set of key performance indicators (KPI) and accurate test scenarios.

Benchmarker II
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Benchmarker II

Highly reliable drive test hardware platform – shock and vibration proof in line with automotive standards

Hardware option: phone mounting wall (PMW)

The lightweight phone mounting wall (PMW) is a robust mount for 4 smartphones in drive test cars for benchmarking campaigns.
A USB hub delivers power for safe and reliable smartphone operations.
The mount can easily be installed in cars for both side-by-side and vertical cascading.

Phone mounting wall (PMW)
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Phone mounting wall (PMW)

Hardware option: Freerider 4

State-of-the-art portable solution for walk test benchmarking

Freerider 4 is a portable, very flexible solution that can host up to 12 smartphones and multiple scanners. This flexible capacity covers all needed setups for benchmarking and optimization.
Up to four hot-swappable batteries can power the system and test equipment for up to eight hours (depending on the setup). 
The comfortable and discreet backpack protects valuable test equipment from heat and rain and hides it from public eyes.

Freerider 4
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Freerider 4

SmartBenchmarker with Freerider 4 controlled via tablet

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1. O sorteio de prêmios “10 anos dos osciloscópios da Rohde & Schwarz” (no presente, referido como “Sorteio”) é organizado pela Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Munique, Alemanha, tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (doravante referida como “R&S”).

2. Todos os participantes podem se inscrever durante o período de 1º de janeiro de 2020 a 31 de dezembro de 2020, informando seu nome, nome da empresa e e-mail comercial.

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5. Os prêmios a serem entregues são 1 de 10 R&S®RTB2000, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2020 a 31 de dezembro de 2020:

Prêmio: 1 osciloscópio digital R&S®RTB2000

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