R&S®ATS1800C Compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals

5G NR device testing in a small footprint

R&S®ATS1800C Compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS1800C Compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS1800C Compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS1800C Compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals
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R&S®ATS1800C compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals, front low R&S®ATS1800C compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals, side view R&S®ATS1800C compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals, front low R&S®ATS1800C compact 3GPP-compliant OTA chamber for 5G NR mmWave signals, application image

Key Facts

  • 3GPP compliant and transportable CATR test chamber
  • Up to 170GHz (D-Band) frequency support
  • Up to 40 cm quiet zone size with a footprint of 1.3 m2
  • Automatic feed switcher for 6 GHz to 110 GHz OOB testing
  • Extreme temperature testing from -40°C to +85°C

Convenience without sacrificing functionality or quality

CATR based compact and mobile anechoic chamber for mmWave 5G OTA testing

The R&S®ATS1800C CATR based 5G NR mmWave test chamber provides the ideal environment for testing 5G FR2 antennas, modules and devices over the air (OTA) from R&D to conformance. With its small footprint and wide frequency range, the R&S®ATS1800C offers great functions and test coverage in a very small space. With its flexibility and broad range of extension options, the R&S®ATS1800C offers a solid and future-proof environment for your FR2 testing needs.

Features & benefits

Mobile, compact and fully shielded

A convenient test environment

The compact, fully shielded R&S®ATS1800C has a footprint of only 1.3 m2 and a large quiet zone of 30 cm or even 40 cm depending on the selected reflector size. Wheels make the R&S®ATS1800C easy to transport and its compact size can fit through most doors in R&D labs and test houses. It can quickly and accurately test a wide range of 5G DUTs such as modules, smartphones and even laptops and small cells.

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State-of-the-art CATR reflector

Accurate IFF measurements with high-quality CATR reflector

The R&S®ATS1800C has a bidirectional parabolic reflector that collimates beams from the feed antenna or DUT. The reflector is specially designed and manufactured by Rohde & Schwarz in Germany for unrivaled performance in a small test chamber. The rolled edges of the reflector are modeled to minimize scattering while the surface is precisely polished, which is critical when operating at high frequencies. Two different reflector sizes are available for two different quiet zone sizes (30 cm or 40 cm).

State-of-the-art CATR reflector
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State-of-the-art CATR reflector

3D positioner with hardware triggering

Smooth movements facilitate fast and accurate measurements

With best in class angular resolution and accuracy, the positioner supports heavy DUTs for CTIA FR2 antenna performance testing with phantom heads and hands. The built-in hardware trigger function supports fast measurements and shorter test times. The test time for a full TRP measurement can be reduced by a factor of 5 to 10 (depending on the number of frequencies and angular step size) compared to conventional measurement methods.

Azimuth over elevation 3D positioner
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Azimuth over elevation 3D positioner

Convenient and fast out-of-band (OOB) testing

Automatic feed switcher to cover a wide frequency range

Out-of-band emissions require measurements outside typical band limits in lower and higher frequency ranges. For seamless measurements, the R&S®ATS1800C can be equipped with an automatic feed switcher for up to four different selectable feed antennas on motorized movers supporting 6GHz to 110GHz. Single fixed feeds are also available for measurements in frequency ranges other than the major 5G FR2 frequency bands from 12GHz up to D-Band (170GHz).

Automatic feed switcher in the R&S®ATS1800C
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Automatic feed switcher in the R&S®ATS1800C

Enclosure for extreme temperature tests

Retrofittable temperature test capability

An optional RF transparent yet isolating temperature enclosure makes it possible to heat up or cool down the DUT in a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C and still perform uncompromising RF radiation measurements. The enclosure can be placed on the 3D positioner without limiting its movements. Equipped with this enclosure, the R&S®ATS1800C fully supports 3D radiation measurements under extreme temperature conditions.

IFF testing with multiple AoA

Unique solution with four high-end reflectors for RRM testing and beyond

The DUT needs to receive 5G NR signals from different angles for radio resource management (RRM) testing. At least four different signal directions are required in different combinations for the specified five relative angles between the signals. The unique side chamber extension of the R&S®ATS1800C can create a 30 cm quiet zone for signals from each additional direction and ensures the lowest measurement uncertainty even in complex test scenarios.

R&S®ATS1800M side chamber extensions for the R&S®ATS1800C
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R&S®ATS1800M side chamber extensions for the R&S®ATS1800C

Check what is happening inside the chamber

Camera option with additional smart features

Since the R&S®ATS1800C is fully sealed during testing, it is hard to see the device or check what is happening inside the chamber. The camera option lets you monitor the DUT at all times. Heat dissipation on 5G mobile devices is a potential issue so the camera can easily switch to infrared vision for checking the DUT heatmap while testing.

Thermal view of camera
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Thermal view of camera

Conformance and R&D testing

Highly capable and flexible test chamber

Designing a module in the lab? Running conformance test cases together with the R&S®TS8980 in a test house? Applications and requirements differ but all these jobs can be done with a single test chamber. The 3GPP 5G NR compliant R&S®ATS1800C helps optimize the overall performance of RF modules, including beam characterization measurements.

Rohde & Schwarz test system
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Rohde & Schwarz test system

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