Press releases

Columbia, MD giu 06, 2022

Rohde & Schwarz presents latest innovations for 5G and 6G component testing at IMS2022

At the International Microwave Symposium IMS2022, Rohde & Schwarz will showcase new EVM optimization techniques for 5G FR2, 6G D-Band component test, the latest Over-the-Air (OTA) test chamber, and many additional new products.

Live at IMS: R&S FSW Signal & Spectrum Analyzer with optimized EVM capabilities.

Whether it is for wireless standards like 5G FR1/FR2, WiFi 6/7, future 6G standards or NewSpace technology, applications are moving to higher frequencies, wider bandwidths, and more complex modulation schemes. At the International Microwave Symposium IMS2022 in Denver, CO, Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate a broad range of new test solutions that cover the mmWave frequency range and meet the latest industry demands. At the Rohde & Schwarz booth (#7056), visitors will be able to experience the demos of new solutions for optimizing EVM performance, 6G D-band system and component characterization, and the latest CATR based OTA test solution.

One of the highlights at the Rohde & Schwarz booth is the latest solution for optimizing Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) capabilities, based on the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator (VSG) , which now covers up to 67 GHz, and the R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer . Accurately measuring EVM has become a key specification for both the device-under-test and the test instrumentation, as it encapsulates many critical test parameters. The R&S FSW has been the leading instrument for high-end measurements requiring extreme precision. Its new front end continues the path of innovation with unrivalled EVM measurement accuracy for wideband modulated signals in the mmWave range. This makes the solution ideal for testing any high-end communication component or systems, including 5G NR FR2 or IEEE 802.11ay / ad chipsets, amplifiers, user equipment and base stations.

The R&S FSW is complemented by the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator. When it comes to creating complex digitally modulated signals, 44 GHz has been the limit for high-accuracy standalone vector signal generators. Higher frequencies have only been possible with additional external equipment and limitations in accuracy. Now, the R&S SMW200A from Rohde & Schwarz dramatically raises the limits for generating wide bandwidth signals of high quality with two new options for maximum frequencies. The 100 kHz to 56 GHz option covers all currently used 5G frequencies, plus earth-to-satellite applications. The 100 kHz to 67 GHz option also supports planned higher frequency 5G bands, the 60 GHz WiGig band, and inter-satellite links.

In another highlighted demo, Rohde & Schwarz will present an R&S ZNA vector network analyzer (VNA) used for . Key industry players have identified the D-Band, ranging from 110 GHz to 170 GHz, as a candidate frequency band for 6G mobile communications, as well as for future automotive radar applications.

Additionally, show attendees will be able to experience up close the R&S ATS1800C CATR based 5G NR mmWave Over-The-Air (OTA) test chamber, which provides the ideal environment for testing 5G FR2 antennas, modules and devices from R&D to conformance. When equipped with the two side chamber extensions, a unique 3D quiet zone is formed, with which the test solution even supports on a very small footprint RRM measurements including multiple angles of arrival (AoA).

Rohde & Schwarz will be exhibiting at IMS2022 in booth #7056 in Denver, CO, from June 19 to 24, 2022. Open to all attendees, Rohde & Schwarz experts will be participating in IMS’ Micro App sessions and workshops from June 21 to 23. For those who are unable to attend IMS2022 in person this year, follow ohde & Schwarz solutions for Electric Design on LinkedIn for live show updates.

Press & media contact

Dominique Loberg
PR Communications Manager, North America
+1 503 523-7951

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Jun 6, 2022
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Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz is striving for a safer and connected world with its Test & Measurement, Technology Systems and Networks & Cybersecurity Divisions. For 90 years, the global technology group has pushed technical boundaries with developments in cutting-edge technologies. The company's leading-edge products and solutions empower industrial, regulatory and government customers to attain technological and digital sovereignty. The privately owned, Munich based company can act independently, long-term and sustainably. Rohde & Schwarz generated net revenue of EUR 2.78 billion in the 2022/2023 fiscal year (July to June). On June 30, 2023, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,800 employees worldwide.

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

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