
Wireless IIoT - Rendere le fabbriche intelligenti e flessibili

Webinar: Wireless IIoT - Making factories smart and flexible

Guardate il nostro webinar e scoprite i fondamenti delle tecnologie wireless per le applicazioni IIoT (Internet delle cose industriale) che utilizzano vari standard, dal Bluetooth al 5G, in ambienti industriali.

Il webinar offre anche informazioni sulle importanti sfide poste dalle applicazioni IIoT, come la bassa latenza e il determinismo, e sui modi per padroneggiarle. Inoltre, illustrerà come alcune soluzioni di misura dedicate possano aiutare a comprendere e ottimizzare i parametri prestazionali chiave della rete di comunicazione.

Joerg Koepp is a Market Segment Manager responsible for driving T&M business in the wireless connectivity market at Rohde & Schwarz, with focus on technologies like UWB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Joerg has extensive experience in the telecommunications industry and well known as speaker, and host of webinars and the video series Let’s talk IoT. Prior to joining Rohde & Schwarz, he worked as a system architect, project leader, and director of system engineering and technology manager at Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks. He had also the pleasure to run one of the first Wi-Fi field trails in Germany 20 years ago.

Joerg Koepp