R&S®PKU100-I Satellite uplink amplifier

The smart solid-state 19" power amplifier for Ku-band

R&S®PKU100-I Satellite uplink amplifier
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R&S®PKU100-I Satellite uplink amplifier
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R&S®PKU100-I Satellite uplink amplifier
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R&S®PKU100-I400 R&S®PKU100-I, side view R&S®PKU100-I, rear view

Key Facts

  • RF saturated power 400 and 750 W 
  • Excellent power efficiency
  • Unparalleled RF performance
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • Integrated block upconverter (BUC) and unique adaptive linearization
  • 3-year warranty extension

Unique efficiency and signal quality in a compact, lightweight design

The R&S®PKU100-I is a solid-state high-power amplifier (Indoor) for the Ku-band with a peak power of up to 750 W. The innovative solid-state design gives the amplifier top-notch efficiency in an extremely compact design. Teleport operators can simply integrate the R&S®PKU100 into existing infrastructure while saving energy costs. The powerful adaptive linearization improves RF parameters as never before. The satellite uplink amplifier from Rohde & Schwarz combines the advantages of solid-state and tube based amplifiers.

Features & benefits

Excellent power efficiency

Up to 50% cost savings for reduced power levels and 1+1 systems

The R&S®PKU100 reaches unparalleled efficiency in relevant use cases with reduced power levels and backup amplifiers that spend most of the time on standby.  When operating at 100W (Plin), the 400W-model consumes just 950 W of mains power. Efficiency is equal to 10% (@Plin) reducing energy costs by 25% compared to typical TWTAs. And in 1+1 configurations, savings doubles thanks to extremely low backup amplifier power consumption.

High efficient satellite earth stations
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High efficient satellite earth stations

Operating Ku-band links with R&S®PKU100 uplink amplifiers significantly saves costs

Adaptive linearization

Unparalleled spectral purity

This R&S®PKU100 is the only amplifier with adaptive linearization within the Ku-band frequency, essential for minimizing intermodulation products and optimizing power efficiency. No user interactions or adjustments required, since the linearizer adapts to provide the best possible signal performance. This feature significantly improves transmission quality, especially for higher order modulation schemes.

Adaptive linearization
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Adaptive linearization

Spectrum and EVM and/or MER without (left) and with adaptive linearization (right) for 64APSK modulation.

Smart operation

Simplifying work for ground station operators

Operating and maintaining an R&S®PKU100 is very easy. It offers a sophisticated graphical user interface with monitoring capabilities and comes with self-protection mechanisms to eliminate accidental harm. In the event of a failure, the R&S®PKU100 stays on air. Redundant power supplies and parallel signal paths eliminate single points of failures known from traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA).

R&S®PKU100 rear view
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R&S®PKU100 rear view

The redundant power supply can be swapped easily without interrupting operation and without removing the R&S®PKU100

Compact and lightweight

3U for 400W and 750W

The 400 W indoor model weighs just 18 kg (including power supply) and requires only 3 RU of rack space. Comparable solid-state amplifiers usually weigh twice as much. The R&S®PKU100 produces up to 750 W saturated output power and is one of the most compact solid-state power amplifiers (SSPA) on the market.

R&S®PKU100-I for 19" rack integration
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R&S®PKU100-I for 19" rack integration

The R&S®PKU100-I fits into 3 RU rack space and weighs 18 kg

Available models

Available models
Frequency range
Enclosure type
Power class


Order Number 2510.7005.41

Frequency range
FR1: 12.75 GHz to 13.25 GHz
FR2: 13.75 GHz to 14.5 GHz
Enclosure type
Power class
400 W


Order Number 2510.7005.81

Frequency range
FR1: 12.75 GHz to 13.25 GHz
FR2: 13.75 GHz to 14.5 GHz
Enclosure type
Power class
750 W

Available options

Hardware options

Order Number 2510.9420.40


Adaptive linearization for amplifier 400 W with Ku-band input


Order Number 2510.9420.75


Adaptive linearization for amplifier 750 W with Ku-band input


Order Number 2510.9420.02


BUC - Block UpConverter with L-band input

Software options

Order Number 2510.9772.02


Reference for BUC (OCXO)


Order Number 2510.9789.02


Adaptive linearization for amplifier 400 W with BUC


Order Number 2510.9795.02


Adaptive linearization for amplifier 750 W with BUC

Further information

Quo Vadis? Amplifiers for SAT uplinks – white paper

Many of the current high-power Ku-band amplifiers are tube-based, and high-power amplifiers with transistors are just now becoming available. Read more in our White Paper "Quo Vadis? Amplifiers for SAT uplinks – TWTA vs. SSPA – What is the future?"

Download now

The Future of Satellite Up-Link Amplifiers – webinar

In this webinar we debate the pros & cons of different types of satellite up-link amplifiers and what current challenges the market is going through, plus key insights into future trends.

More information

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